Chapter Three

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Dorian was waiting for me at my locker before class. I, for once, was running late, given that I had socialized with Ares. I had decided that today I was going to study his skills and let me tell you, he did have good skills, just in need of some polishing. Tomorrow, we'll work on punches and upper movements, on Thursday it was all about the legs, and on Friday we would spar.

"Sleeping Beauty," I winked as I opened my locker. "Don't even think about it," I rolled my eyes as I saw his face.

"Is he good?" Dorian questioned and I raised an eyebrow. "Do you think that I can take him?" I shrugged. "Come on Beauty, help out your best friend!"

I smirked at him. "I really don't know," I sighed. "He has abilities, he knows some movements and all, but I think that he picked them up by himself, he just needs polishing."

Dorian seemed to think. "Why aren't you fighting him?" I shrugged once again. "One of the above?" I nodded. "Damn, do you think we can find out why?"

"Why do you want to know that?" I raised my eyebrow and he gave me an incredulous look. "I am not a curious person and you know that Dorian," I rolled my eyes. "If you wish to know his life story, you talk to him. Leave me out of that."

Dorian tried to give me his best puppy eyes, but I simply ignored him. "Belle!" He whined. "You are the one person that will actually interact with him." I shook my head. "What do you mean no?"

"I'm only training him before he can debut," I explained. "That means, that when he fights on Friday, he'll have to stick to one of the schedules." I sighed. "I'll catch you later yeah?" He gave me a small smile and I jogged towards my class.

I felt bad for lying to Dorian, I was the most curious person on the planet, everyone knew that, but I also knew where I could push to get information. It was more than obvious that Ares is a closed-off person, and one of the above, almost always meant trouble...

As I entered my room, I scanned the room, out of a habit, only to find the one person I thought I didn't have to deal with... Ares, and to make things juicier, he was sitting right next to my usual spot. Taking in a deep breath, I made my way towards my desk, trying really hard to ignore the fact that he was there. As I sat down, I gave him a nod, before turning my attention to the teacher.

"Only because I don't want to fight you," Ares whispered to me. "Doesn't mean that I don't want to be your friend." He chuckled. "I didn't think you were that kind of person, Arabelle."

I turned to face him with a smirk. "You don't know me," I added with a shrug. "Doesn't mean that you won't." I winked.

"It's on," He chuckled before the teacher started his lesson.

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