Chapter 4

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•Luffys POV•

|After everyone finished their meals|

"ZORO ZORO ZORO" I yelled as I watch Zoro walk by Sanji shouldering him starting an argument. Sanji started yelling "WHAT THE HELL YOU MOSS HEADED ROCK."


Zoro pulled out his sword specifically the Sandai Kitetsu (The cursed one) Sanji prepares himself for a fight he think he'll win.

I hit both of them on there heads and glare at them I walk towards them and grab Zoros hand. Then I warned them both saying"I swear to our flag if I see you fight one more time. I'll beat you both so bad you have to stay bed ridden for weeks."

I take Zoro away from Sanji even tho they hate each other a lot they share the same expression after I say that. They both look utterly shocked I drag Zoro to the aquarium bar seeing as no one was there.

I then scold him about how much he fights with Sanji and how annoying it is. Zoro just stares at me and apologizes every 2 minutes I then look at him and say "Stop apologizing there's no need. God damn one day your gonna break one of your precious swords fighting with him."

I sigh and then sit down on the floor with my head in my hands and mumble."I'm not mad you just scare me fighting with him I don't want one of you to get hurt."

Zoro gets up and sits beside me I can tell because I hear his sword's clanking. Even though when we're fighting battles you can't hear his swords at all it confuses me a little bit but I don't care.

Before he sits next to me he takes his swords off and leans them agains the wall I was sitting by. He then sits down petting my head and saying "Luffy I know your worried about me and Pervy Cook but you know we won't actually hurt each other."

I take my hands away and say "I know I know but sometimes you two get carried away and if one of you get hurt it'll be my fault as captain."

Zoro picks me up like I'm a feather he sets me on his lap. And wraps my legs around his waist then kisses me on the forehead I blush a bit and look away from him.

He brushes a strand of hair out my face and then slides his fingers down to my chin. He grabs ahold of it and softly turns my head to face him.He smiles and says "I'm sorry we worried you captain I'll get Sanji to apologize to you to okay."

As soon as I hear him I lay my head on his shoulder and I feel Zoros chin on my head.I fall asleep snuggled up with him and I think he falls asleep too.

•Zoros POV•

|A few hours later (2:30 PM)|

I wake up to see my raven haired captain he would let out soft growns and you could tell he was sweating a lot. I feel bad for him because of the state he's in even tho it been years since his childhood. It still haunts him, every once in awhile he will get a really bad dream.

Normally I would wake him up but not this time this time it didn't seem as bad as the other ones so I let him rest.I picked him up and set him aside leaning his head onto a cushion. I then got up and went to the kitchen in search of the heart eyed bastard.

When I find him and Usopp there in a very close position I don't question it cause I couldn't care less. But I do say "Sanji I need to talk to you Usopp could you leave for a second we will be done soon."

Usopp leaves and Sanji asks "Ugh what do you want you cow grass." I glare at him suggesting this is a serious conversation. He then straightens up and sits down and listens to what I have to say.

I tell him about what Luffy had said earlier today along with a few other words saying"I want you to apologize to him we both are worrying him.And if you don't I'll tell Usopp about how you had a sex dream about him."

Sanji gets up sweating and says "Alright I'll apologize now." He goes to walk out the door but I pull out one of my swords which I had taken and put back on when I put Luffy with the cushion. I stop him from leaving and declare "He's asleep right now wait till after dinner or when you see him next."

I then open the door letting Usopp back in I walk to sit down and say "continue with what you were doing I'm probably gonna just take a nap hear Luffys head was giving me neck cramps earlier. So I'd rather not go back there for now"

Sanji looks at me and then quite literally kicks me out of the kitchen.After that I walk around with one hand on my sword the other rubbing my neck. When I see a half awake Luffy who looked confused and lost come my way. Which isn't normal for me to see someone other then myself lost so I guess that's why I look a little surprised.

When he comes close enough to touch me he falls onto me like a ragdoll.I look at him even more shocked and I shake him and say "Luffy are you alright what happened did someone poison you or something."

I keep shaking him until he finally groans "Stoppppp itt I can't sleep with you shaking me Zoro!!"I then realize that nothing happened to him and that he was still tired.

I look at him and say"Why are you awake Lu didn't I lean you on a cushion so you could sleep more"

He yawns and wipes his watery eyes saying "As soon as you picked me up you woke me up but I didn't get up until a few minutes after you left."

After he says that he passes out holding on to me with his head on my shoulder. I pick him up and go to the front of the ship on the grass no one was there at the moment. They were all either in the kitchen or the bar I tried to put luffy down but as I did he just tightened his grasp. He had his arms around my neck locking his fingers making it like a cage I could try to get out of but would fail.

Even though I'm Luffys first mate I know that If Luffy ever went full out or even 50% of his power when we play fight I would lose horribly.

In the end I decide to just take a nap with him because there's never a time I can't take a nap.I look at him sleeping peacefully his head on my chest. I let go of his thighs as I sit down beside the Sunny's figurehead.

I brush a strand of his hair away from his face then give him a slight kiss on the forehead and then on his neck.

Before eventually I pass out with him.

Word count: 1280

I'm trying to make as much as I can as soon as possible but I get tired sometimes and bored so😭 Even tho this story doesn't have a lot of views or anything I'm actually pretty proud of it and I hope you enjoy it too!!

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