Chapter 13

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•Sanji's POV•

|The next day|

Yesterday I accused Luffy of eating out of the pantry and started yelling at him,chopper, and Zoro. I apologized of course after I found out it was Usopp which I didn't really care the food went missing since he ate it. And everyone's back to normal Luffy doesn't seem mad the only people who still seem a little pissed at me are Zoro and Robin. Which is reasonable since Luffy is basically Robins Son and I'm pretty sure Zoro and Luffy are dating or something.

When I walk out of the room around 6 am too start cooking breakfast I see Robin sitting at the dinner table. She whispers something and suddenly I realize she was using her devil fruit power. And a few seconds later I'm sitting in a chair with a bunch of Robins hands around me. Robin looks at me and says something I can't here that's when the hands get tighter. She finally says something I can hear which is "Your lucky that Usopp seems to love you "

And that's when I can feel the goose bumps on my arms and Robins Killer glare. "Yelling at your own Captain for something he didn't do I bet you have no idea what that kids been through. But yet here you are yelling at him accusing him before asking everyone else. You even went head on with Zoro just because you believed he did it did you not sense the killer aura that man had. If Usopp wouldn't have taken you into the kitchen that day Zoro and You would have had A all out war. Next time someone says they didn't do something especially our captain you ask everyone else before accusing someone."

She says this and the hands get tighter when the sentence begins and tighter a quarter way through and even tighter half way. But at the end they disappear into petals like there wasn't nothing there. She then uncrosses her legs from her lady like way of sitting and gets up waving goodbye she says "I'm gonna get a few more hours of sleep so tell Nami to wake me for breakfast."

A few minutes after I start cooking Usopp walks in he hugs me from behind. And at the moment I didn't know it was him so I was a little surprised. Usopp as tired as he was said "What'd Robin do to you I saw her walking down the hall with a smile on her face." "Nothing much we just talked a little bit" I reply to him he looks up to me and he could tell I was lying but let it go. You could tell he knew what she did and by the way I looked it really wasn't as bad as he expected.

I continue cooking and he continues hugging me laying his head on my back slowly falling back asleep. But he was also trying to stay awake and watch me cook eventually he fell back asleep and almost fell on the floor when he did. After that happened I picked him up almost in a bridal style way and carried him back to his bed/hammock. Soon enough I finished breakfast and everyone started walking in one by one starting with Nami who went back to wake Robin up. Then came Brook and Franky, Fourth was Chopper next was Nami again and Robin.  I went to go wake up Usopp and maybe Zoro and Luffy but I ended up not waking them and only Usopp.

I walked into our room seeing him curled up in his bed/Hanmock I shook him a little bit and he woke up. Staring at me and he said "Good morning Sanji? What's up." "Breakfast is what's up come eat in the dining area" I reply to him and he did do that we walked back to the kitchen area together and sat down eating. About 20 minutes later everyone pauses to hear a bunch of loud footstep. We look around before someone knocks the door down yelling "FOOD" and all of our worries of someone had invaded the ship had flew away especially after we saw a tired Marimo walking behind him.

They sat down and Luffy gave all of his vegetables to Zoro faster then I've ever saw him do it. Zoro looked at Luffy and then gave the vegetables back. Luffy looked at the vegetables then at Zoro then at the vegetables again. And then poof the vegetables just disappeared I don't really know what happened. I end up looking around at everyone's plates and there wasn't any extra vegetables. I then look at Luffy again and then everyone realizes that he quickly stuck them into his mouth and swallowed them. Chopper then gets one luffy say "Luffy! You can't just swallow hard foods with out chewing it up it's a safety hazard you could choke!"

Zoro looked at Chopper then looked at Luffy after a minute he put his hand on Luffy head messing up his hair. Zoro was smiling at Luffy and the whole crew almost seemed amazed as Zoro doesn't smile that much. Except if he actually get's drunk on sake or he gets his favorite sake.

Zoro praised Luffy for eating the vegetables while everyone else just sat there stunned. Except for Nami and Robin they looked almost used to it. Chopper then looks at me and then back at Zoro and Luffy which Zoro had gone back to eating and so did Luffy. He looks back at me and I shrug my shoulders he then goes back to eating. And so did the rest of the crew except Luffy who had already finished his food while me and Chopper were talking if you could call that talking.

After everyone finished there food they went to do there daily activities.

•Nami's POV•

|After everyone finished eating in there room|

While everyone was doing something me and Robin were debating wether we should tell everyone we're dating. And we decided we would but had a plan to do so that's when Luffy came in and said, "Robinn Nami what are you guys doing I'm bored." Robin looked at me and then looked back and Luffy "Go get Zoro Luffy." She replied to him saying that he looked outside and then back at us and said "He's asleep."
We watch as Zoro comes up behind Luffy about two minutes after he said that.

He clinged onto Luffy and said "What do you want." And that's when Robin told them "Come in and shut the door behind you." And so they do Luffy walks into the room and Zoro still clinging to him goes with him. Zoro let's go of his grasp on Luffy for a second to shut the door but he ends up right back on him. Zoro looks at Robin with the most tired look and says "we're inside now what do you want?"

Robin looked at Luffy and said "He's know about us right." Zoro nodding his head and Luffy saying "Ya, I told him awhile ago I'm sorry." Robin laughs a little bit then says "No that's good you told him it'll make this easier. We plan to tell the rest of the crew do you think we should?" Luffy just shrugs at her and and Zoro says "I don't care."

Word count: 1235

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