~Chapter One: Where's the owl?!~

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Tw: A lot of curse words, and slight mention of alcohol usage

Blitz and Stolas were hanging out at Stolas' palace, and it was oddly silent, until Stolas spoke.

"Hey Blitz, can I tell you something..?"

"Uh, sure I guess." Blitz replied.

"Blitz, I want you to know that... I love you." Stolas said in a hushed, serious voice.

"Stop fucking lying." Blitz rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious Blitz." Stolas mumbled.

"Well I don't!" Blitz yelled, not thinking. Stolas looked shocked at the sudden outburst. "What? Can you not take a fucking hint?!"

"B-Blitz..." Stolas reached a hand out.

"Don't talk to me..." Blitz hissed and walked out. Stolas fell to his knees, failing to fight tears.

"That fucking owl thinks he loves me... I doubt it..." Blitz muttered driving home. Once he got home, Blitz fell asleep on the couch. Stolas had passed out at home because he had gotten himself so drunk.

Stolas woke up, very hung over and couldn't move, because he was tied up in the back of car.

"You're finally awake, 'bout damn time." A familiar voice hissed in a western accent.

"Huh...?" Stolas mumbled. "Why am I tied up..?"

"So you're stupid..." The voice hissed again.


About three weeks had passed since Stolas and Blitz got into the fight, and Blitz wanted to make things right with Stolas now. Blitz drove to Stolas' house and knocked on the tall door. There was no answer, and it was black-out inside the house. Blitz kept knocking, until he decided to let himself in.

"Is he dead or some shit?" Blitz muttered to himself. Blitz saw a note on the table, but it wasn't in Stolas' hand writing. "Huh?" Blitz walked over. The letter read out:

"Dear who ever the fuck is reading this, I have Stolas Goetia, if you came looking for him, you're in the wrong place..."

"Did that horny fuck get kidnapped?!" Blitz hissed, but was quite concerned. Blitz ran out unto his van, driving to I.M.P headquarters, since break time was almost over.

"Millie, Moxxie, Loonie, Stolas got fucking kidnapped and we need to get him back A-S-A-P." Blitz growled loudly, but in a low, pissed voice.

"Well do you have any clue where his is?" Moxxie asked.

"No you dipshit I just said he got kidnapped!" Blitz yelled. "That's why we need to get him so he doesn't get hurt or killed."

"And I thought you weren't in loovveee with him~" Millie mocked in a thick southern accent.

"Shut up Millie we have no time for your lovey-dovey shit." Blitz growled, clearly very pissed.


"Untie me... Now..." Stolas hissed. He was blindfolded, and felt himself being grabbed and taken out of the car.

"Oh, yes Master." The mysterious voice sarcastically grumbled, throwing Stolas to the ground. Stolas landed with a thud, and then got chained down.

"Let me go." Stolas snarled, squirming around.

"Stop moving you feathery bitch." The mystery voice grabbed a metal pole and slammed it into Stolas' face.

"Omph-" Stolas groaned in pain as he got hit in the jaw.


"What do we do.... What do we do..." Blitz pondered to himself.

"Well, I have a idea if that helps-" Moxxie got interrupted by Blitz.

"Speak bitch!" Blitz stood over Moxxie, an certain chilling eagerness in his eyes.

"Well, the Grimoire can track people, right?" Moxxie finished.

"Moxxie you fucking genius!" Blitz ran off, and looked in his keeping place for the Grimoire, bit it wasn't there.

"Huh? Where the fuck is it?!" Blitz searched the whole office, but didn't find it. "LOONIE HAVE YOU SEEN THE GRIMOIRE?!" Blitz yelled loudly, and Loona came in, holding the Grimoire. Moxxie also came in.

"Sir, we can't do the plan just yet..." Moxxie told Blitz.

"What?! Why?!"

"Because we need time to form the plan and how we'll get Stolas without being caught ourselves."

"Fuck you Moxxie..." Blitz grumbled, but didn't try to fight him because he knew Moxxie was right.


A few more days turned into weeks, which soon turned into months.

"Moxxie, we're not holding back any longer. We need to find Stolas now. What if he's hurt? What if he's dead?!" Blitz started panicking, he was obviously concerned for the owl. "It's been three months for Satan's sake!"

"Well let's get a move on." Moxxie grabbed the grimoire. "Show me Stolas Goetia." Moxxie commanded of the grimoire. The grimoire started floating and flipping pages. A portal of darkness on the other side opened up.

"Holy shit..." Blitz mumbled.


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