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Javelin and her friends arrived at Akashi's store.

Akashi: Welcome.

Ayanami is confused, relieved, and upset to see Akashi tending behind the counter of her own store and living a great life.

Ayanami: What are you doing here?

Akashi: I can start any type of business anywhere in the world as long as the clients exist.

At that moment Long Island arrives to ask for a discount on a certain collectible toy, but Akashi refuses to give a discount, Long Island leaves somewhat frustrated for not getting her way.

Javelin: After Akashi's arrival, the selections improved.

Ayanami: Akashi, All of us were very worried about you.

Then Akashi begins to tell the story of her to Ayanami and why she left the Sakura empire and the reason why she is here as an asylum.

Ayanami: (surprised) Akagi... She with the sirens?

Akashi: Akagi may be scary, but she's not a woman who would stab you in the back.

Ayanami: (Worried) What do you think she's going to happen to the empire?

Akashi: (Sad) I have no idea, but I know it's a bad thing.

Then, to liven up the atmosphere, Laffey arrives with Javelin bringing cups for Ayanami to choose from.

Javelin: Ayanami-chan! Which one do you like the most?

Ayanami is confused at first, but then smiles at the actions of her new friends. Outside the store, Ark Royal is spying on the destroyers when Liz appears and touches her shoulder. Ark Royal is surprised to see that Liz brings a baseball bat.

Ark: (Scared) Hey! What do you think you're doing with that bat?

Me: Don't worry, we're just going to talk.

Ark: If you are going to come to talk, why do you bring that?

Me: This bat is called Talk and it will repair that sick fetish you have.

Ark: Oh, shit.

We censored this part due to the violent content, after that very violent and gore scene, Ark Royal was locked in a cell.

Meanwhile in the Sakura empire, in the port are the three luckiest destroyers of the empire and Zuikaku, all of them are very sad for Ayanami.

Yukikaze: (Crying) Ayanami!

Yuudachi: Ayanami...captured by the enemy...

Zuikaku: I'm sorry... I couldn't bring her back...

Shigure: No, Zuikaku, it's not your fault...

Yuudachi: Will Ayanami be okay? Won't they intimidate her?

Yukikaze: She's not a very lucky ship like me, I'm... So... (Breaks in tears) WAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAA!

Zuikaku: I was supposed to be the rear guard... but she saved me in her place.

Shigure: Hey, hey! You are all very pessimistic!

Yukikaze: What if she doesn't feed her?

Yuudachi: What if she doesn't serve meat at her meals?

Zuikaku: If only I was stronger.

Shigure: (Complaints) What's wrong with this pessimistic atmosphere!?

Meanwhile in the imperial palace, Shokaku is reporting to Nagato, in her report she said everything that had happened without any buts in the tongues.

Nagato: I see, so Akagi hasn't returned and attacked them during the fight in the arctic.

Shokaku: Yes, we lost Akagi, the commander of the operation and we did not expect her to betray us and go with the siren, because of that, Ayanami had to protect us and she ended up in the hands of the enemy, not only that, but the black mental cube still remains in the hands of Azur Lane. The situation is very serious.

Nagato: Kaga insists me a lot to move forward with the Orochi project. What's your opinion about it?

Shokaku: It's too dangerous to continue with the project.

Nagato: I understand, doubting an old friend is what I don't want to do, but...

The girls from the high command of the imperial family look at each other at their empress's decision.

At a local empire restaurant, the Iron Blood girls are eating a snack to lift their spirits.

Z1: Things get hotter here.

Z23: The Sakura Empire is in a very dangerous situation, we as Iron Blood and our allies, shouldn't we be doing something about it?

Eugen: Ara? Do you suggest we attack the Sakura Empire while they are weakened? Not even Roon would dare that much.

Z23: (Annoyed) That's not what I meant!

Eugen: Don't worry friend, it was just a little joke. You can't wait to go rescue Ayanami.

Z1: You two seemed very close, maybe too close.

Z23: That's not it! It is not personal!

Hipper: But joking aside, she's very right, if we have to do something, we have to do it now. What will we do?

Just then Hatsuharu arrives bringing the Anmitsu for the Germans girls and Eugen, as always, makes her jokes by touching the imperial destroyer's butt, which makes her startle and causes discomfort to the customers.

Sendai: Hey! (Pointing to a sign) Clearly here she says that she cannot touch or bother the waitresses!

Hipper: (Annoyed) Hey, stop fooling around!

Eugen: Fufufu, kidding aside... What can we do?

Returning to the base in Azur Lane, the queen and her subjects are playing golf.

Me: Yes, yes, they are playing and I am the prisoner's bodyguard, I also want to live that life Don Pool, being a kansen is not as sexy as it seems.

The queen plays several sets making many very high scores in a short time and in her last game she gets a perfect score and all her subjects praise her.

Sheffy: Nice shot.

Warspite: I expected nothing less from my sister.

Next to play is Hood and she is also very good at golf, while the queen watches her friend play, she starts talking to her sister.

QE: What are sirens? They are our enemies, but... Where do they come from and what are they looking for? It's a question we've asked so many times, but there's no way to find an answer. But... Why do sirens interact with humanity? If their goal is to eradicate humanity, they wouldn't need to be so indirect, the key to that is Orochi and the connection of Orochi, the sirens and Akagi...

At that moment Hood makes her last pitch which was a 10/10, after that the girls go to have their tea party and everything is seen by Liz's patrol helicopter, meanwhile near a bridge our protagonist seeing everything This, she is shocked.

Me: (Eating a ration bar) ¡Que envidia cabrón!
(What a jealous!)

Her Spanish is broken.

Me: Shut up.


TO BE CONTINUE......................................

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