Chapter 7

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Land of Wave

Standing by the tranquil lakeside in the Land of Waves, Satsuki gazed at her reflection in the calm waters. Her thoughts were a maelstrom of emotions, her recent revelations about Naruto's true parentage resonating in her mind.

The knowledge that Naruto was the son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and the famed Uzumaki Kushina, was a revelation that had rocked her to her core. It explained why he had been chosen as the vessel for the Nine-Tails, but it also uncovered a painful truth from their shared past.

Satsuki couldn't shake the memories of their childhood, when Naruto had been subjected to the scorn of the villagers, treated as if he were a monster. She recalled the chilling moments when they had pelted him with stones, their cruel laughter echoing in her mind. It was a stark reminder of the loneliness and isolation he had endured.

The emotions stirred by these memories were a complex blend of anger, guilt, and sympathy. Satsuki understood that her past behavior towards Naruto had added to his pain. Yet, even with these realizations, she couldn't deny the part of her that was also hurt by those memories.

As the waves of the lake gently lapped at the shore, Satsuki closed her eyes, trying to rein in her emotions. She couldn't allow herself to be consumed by these feelings. She had a mission to focus on, and emotions would only cloud her judgment. Inwardly, she made a silent promise to herself – to confront her past and to find a way to make amends, not just for Naruto's sake, but for her own as well.

As Satsuki stood by the lakeside, lost in her thoughts, a voice calling her name drew her attention. She turned around to see a woman approaching. It was Tsunami, the mother of Inari, the young boy whose life had been touched by Team 7 during their mission to protect the bridge builder from the threat of Zabuza and Haku.

Satsuki was taken aback, her confusion evident. She couldn't understand how Tsunami knew her true gender and why she was so casual about it. Her cover was supposed to be impenetrable.

Tsunami approached Satsuki with a warm smile, as if she had all the answers. Satsuki returned the greeting, her curiosity piqued.

Tsunami: (warmly) Hello there, dear. It's been quite a while, hasn't it?

Satsuki: (nodding) Yes, it has. But, how... How do you know my true gender?

Tsunami's smile remained as she gave a knowing look.

Tsunami: (confidently) Naruto-kun passed through here a few weeks ago, and he had quite a lot to say. He told me about your true identity, dear Satsuki.

Satsuki was caught completely off guard by Tsunami's revelation. Naruto had known her secret all along and had casually shared it with people during his travels. It was both astonishing and perplexing, and it left Satsuki wondering just how much Naruto had changed during his time away from the village.

Tsunami extended a warm invitation to Satsuki, suggesting they go to her house for a more private conversation. Satsuki was momentarily taken aback but realized she needed to know what Naruto had revealed to Tsunami. It was an opportunity to gather information and perhaps piece together the larger puzzle that had suddenly emerged.

Satsuki: (hesitating) Well, I guess that's fine. Lead the way.

They made their way to Tsunami's home, a sense of intrigue growing within Satsuki as she wondered what else Naruto had shared during his visit to the Land of Waves.


the heart of Konoha, the highest authority figures gathered, including the clan heads, members of the civilian council, and shadowy figures like Danzo Shimura with his trusted advisors, Koharu and Homura. The topic of discussion was Naruto, their missing Jinchuriki and the revelation of his true heritage.

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