Chapter 2 - Chemistry Class

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Aleena stared at the guy in front of her, pressing her hand to the back of her neck she stared at him, "Late?" she echoed.

The man frowned, a slight hint of distain washing over his features, "Yes, you're late, please go and a take a seat", he enunciated his words clearly, as if she couldn't understand what he was saying.

Aleena bit her lip, and walked over to take a seat near the back of the class. Bleatingly she realized the man she was in front of moments prior was her teacher. He walked over to the front of the room, the annoyance from his face now replaced with enthusiasm and friendliness.

"Alright everyone, I'm your new chemistry teacher, you can call me Mr. Archer", he said with a wide grin. Then begain talking about chemistry, what they were gonna do in the class, and a bit about the assignments they were going to take on.

Aleena sighed slightly and rested her head on the back of the chair, fighting not to roll her eyes. This man, Mr. Archer, was clearly over his head. Perhaps it was his first teaching job, maybe he was fond of children, wanted to "inspire" them. It was clear that rather excited to be here, as he spoke his eyes light up and he gestured wildly as he spoke, even as he moved there was a slight bounce in his step.

She couldn't imagine why anyone, let alone someone as young as Mr. Archer seemed, would ever want to take on teaching. Especially young, stupid teenagers like them. She was sure that her and her delinquent classmates would drive Mr. Archer out of this school sooner than Winter break. There was no way he would last at a school as broke and shallow as Dame Tenor Prep, the students were crazy, the building was on the verge of collapse, and the school had nothing to offer.

However, as she looked around at her friends and fellow classmates, she watched in astonishment as they stared at Mr. Archer rapt by his words. Some of them gazed at him slightly slack jawed and others peered at him with open fascination. It was odd, seeing them so completely memerized by something. It was abundantly obvious that Dame Tenor had nothing even of slight interest to hold anyones attention. But here it was. Mr. Archer was singly handedly bewitching these students and it hadn't even been 5 minutes since he walked in the room

Aleena fixed her gaze back on her teacher, and studied his face more carefully now.

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