Chapter 6 - Detention

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There was nothing worse than staying after school for detention. Everyone knew that. It was even worse at Dame Tenor Prep. Not only was the school old and disarrayed, but it was also dirty and rank, and those things were only made more exaggerated during after-school hours.

Since Dame Tenor was broke and dirt poor, they lacked a lot of necessary funding to start and run clubs, which meant that apart from one or two sports teams, there were practically zero extracurricular activities running after school. This also meant that if students had detention the school would be virtually empty.

Aleena was weirded out by the possibility of her and Mr. Archer being the only few people in the building. Sure he wasn't a complete sociopath, but who's to say he wouldn't lock her inside a classroom the first chance he got? The man already looked sick of his students, she doubted he would enjoy after-school detention.

These were the things running through Aleena's mind as she walked back into her second-period chemistry class. It was eerily quiet and the stillness of everything bothered her; she had never seen her school so silent. "Aleena. I'm glad you showed up." It was Mr. Archer. He strode inside, looking slightly more bored and grim, setting his things on his desk he took a seat. "Don't worry," he assured, "detention's only for an hour, this won't take too long."

He made sure to confiscate her phone, leaving her to page through a chemistry textbook for the time being. After doing so Mr. Archer reclined in his seat and spent the better part of the hour reading his book and later sleeping. She couldn't take how petty he was being. It was obvious Archer didn't want to be here any more than she did. There was also no real reason for her to be in trouble for skipping class either. Aleena was going to be late for her shift at the coffee shop too.

It was 3:00 pm now and her shift started at 3:30, her detention ending at 3:15. There was no way she was going to get there on time in fifteen minutes. Harris was already angry at her for all her lateness, and she couldn't afford to get fired off of her job, she needed to do something.

Aleena waited another ten minutes. Then walking over to where Mr. Archer was sleeping on his desk, she gently tapped his arm. "Sir?" she said.

Mr. Archer stirred slightly and opened his eyes. After seeing her at his desk, he got up, sitting straight now. "Aleena you still have another 5 minutes left, please go sit down," he said, his voice sounding tired and strained.

Aleena wanted to roll her eyes, Mr. Archer was just caught dozing off and he wanted her to go back to her seat. "I can't. I have a shift in 20 minutes."

"At the coffeehouse?"

"Yes, and if I don't leave now I'm going to be late"

Mr. Archer looked at her. She could see the amusement splaying across his face. He was enjoying how panicked she was, almost taking an interest in it. She could tell how he was weighing his options, deciding what to do next.

Suddenly he got up. Taking his briefcase and keys in one hand he said, "Come with me, I'll drop you off."

Aleena could not believe what she was hearing. She almost wondered if she was experiencing psychosis or hallucinations. Perhaps he was playing a trick on her or trying to get back at her for something because there was no way he just offered to drive her to her workplace.

She struggled with her response, "You- you're gonna drive me there?" she sputtered.

"Yes, now are you going to come with me or not?"

Aleena followed her teacher without saying another word. They went downstairs and exited the school to the teachers' parking lot. She trailed behind Mr. Archer as he walked towards the shiny black Porsche parked in the far right corner.

"This is your car?" she said, surprised.

"Yes. Why, is it too much for my menial teacher salary?" he argued, giving her a look.

"Um no it's just... it stands out that's all"

Even though he didn't seem fully satisfied with her answer he still opened the passenger door of the Porsche for her, and after she climbed in, he went to the driver's side.

The interior of the car seemed even more luxurious than the outside. It was neat and pristine and smelled faintly of leather polish; it was as if Mr. Archer had driven it straight from the dealership. As he started driving them to the Milton's, an uncomfortable silence hung in the air, they were both oddly quiet.

Aleena wondered if she should ask Mr. Archer to turn on the radio or music station when he said, "So I suppose you won't be missing class again anytime soon? Unless you want me to drive you to work again?".

Aleena didn't know what to say. Her teacher's tone was almost playful. It was the complete opposite of how he had been just a few hours ago.

"I guess not, but how come you're even giving me a ride there" she asked. She regretted even asking the question as soon as it left her mouth. Mr. Archer looked at her, his face rapt with interest before responding with, "I don't have much else to do this evening. Besides Aleena, I find you much more interesting than the others".

Aleena didn't know what to say. She couldn't even form words after what she had just heard. Had Mr. Archer just told her she was interesting? She was barely in his class for two days, and he didn't even seem to like her very much, what did he find so interesting about her? Aleena could feel herself getting hot, despite the AC being on at full blast in the car.

"I mean I'm not quite sure how interesting I am sir, I've only been in your class for a few days"

They were at the coffeehouse now. Archer had gotten them there ten minutes early too. He reclined back in his seat and laced his hands at the back of his head, turning to look at her.

"Aleena, please... don't call me sir," he said slightly annoyed.


"Aren't you the one who said I was barely equip to be your teacher?" his tone was again the same jeering but slightly teasing one from before.

She decided to play along with whatever game Mr. Archer was challenging her to. "Well what do you want me to call you" she asked.

"Right now? Anything. Archer, Tim, Chase. It doesn't matter to me, as long as I don't have to hear you call me sir then say I'm not your teacher in the same sentence." He didn't seem as mad as he usually was when he said this, he just stated it as a matter of fact.

"You weren't quite acting like my teacher when you came to the store yesterday and yelled at me" she retorted.

Archer sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand.

"I wasn't having the best day, I apologize for my lack of manners"

Aleena was having whiplash from how hot and cold Archer was acting. It was almost like talking to a whole different person.

"And you think that fixes the problem?" she said, her voice having a slightly stern tone, pushing his patience bit by bit.

"I think it's time for you to go to work" he replied, "you don't wanna miss your shift do you?" he leaned across her to the passenger side door pulling it open and looking at her expectantly.

Aleena got out of the Porsche, and Archer smirked at her.

"I'll pick you up when your shift ends Leena" he said, and didn't wait for a response before driving off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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