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Hello and welcome to the rewrite of ITBOMM!!! I'm excited to try and get back into the groove of writing, especially with this monster of a wip we have here.

For those returning to ITBOMM, this page will more or less address the facts that were mostly made obvious in the first version of ITBOMM, but more clearly defined because I didn't actually post a content warning in that.

To the new readers, this is more or less a content warning as well as to address matters that I find important.

Overall, it's highly advised that you read the Content Warnings before continuing on!

Rating: M
Major/Eventual Ships: Lucathy, OC x OC
Minor Ships: Felily, Claudiana, Canon x OCs, and more

- posted on AO3 under Starlit_Dreaming (first upload)
- posted on Tumblr under starlit-dreaming (updated second)
- Wattpad is the last to be updated of the three (simply because of an issue down below that I'm tired of dealing with)

I can't believe that this is the first thing I need to address:

Note Regarding Ships: Athan DOES have multiple love interests, but he will only end up with 1 character at the end.

I'm gonna be upfront with you here.

He does not end up with Ijekiel, Lucas, or OC/Verena.

So this is just something that's been an ongoing issue during my time of writing ITBOMM, and people tend to just ignore it if I ever address it. Whether it be because they genuinely don't read it or not, it's whatever. I get it; it still gets on my nerves, but I understand it. My A/Ns are long, and I'm a fic reader too. Sometimes I ignore it, too, in favour of the next chapter. Other times my ADHD kicks my ass, and my focus wanders away.

Athan is a BISEXUAL character. He WILL have several different love interests, some mutual, some one-sided, some being flights of fancy, and others that might become more than expected. I have received multiple comments throughout writing ITBOMM just because people are worried about him ending up with a girl over a guy. I have received countless questions about him and Ijekiel, stuff like how they want him gay, not straight.

1) That's seriously biphobic. Whether he ends up in a straight-passing relationship or a gay one, that will never change the fact that he's attracted to guys and girls.

2) Regardless of who he ends up with, he's going to have some romance scenes with different characters. Yes, when I say this, I DO mean including ladies and not just guys. I ask that you refrain from making outright demands of who Athan ends up with.

3) There are plenty of Athan x Ijekiel fics out there in the world; mine isn't one of them.

Athan is, for the most part, considered a typical twin brother to Athy. Same naming sense as all the others, with similar appearances. However, he is still my OC at the end of the day, just as all the other writers out there have their version of Athan as their own OC. He will not end up with Lucas OR Ijekiel. There are plenty of different fanfics on Wattpad that fits that search, but mine won't be included. I am an avid Lucathy shipper, so Athan x Lucas isn't in my interests to begin with. Ijekiel x Athan IS interesting to me, but I'm not interested in writing it, nor do I go out of my way to read it.

General Notes:

1. Toska by Starshine-Dreaming does NOT exist as an actual fanfic.

It's meant to be a bit of an inside joke and to reference myself (as my username is Starlit-Dreaming and I wanted to indulge in a few jokes to keep myself sane during the long writing process), but it's possible that Toska will actually be written one day, but that would have to wait years down the line.

2. While I never mention actual fanfics in my stories, manhwas will be referenced with their full titles (usually in their English titles) for those interested.

3. This is a rewrite.

Some things will remain the same, and some things won't be. The main difference for returning readers is that Athan and Athy will both have different recollections of The Lovely Princess, in which Athy read the novel and Athan was obsessed with a fanfic version of it.

4. Every chapter is, more or less, named from a song lyric. I do have a playlist being worked on, but it'll stay as a WIP until the completion of this fic. Probably.

5. Unlike before, I will be showcasing the whole telepathy in 'bold' while actual thoughts will remain in 'italics'. This is to avoid any confusion and to emphasize what's being told to another character versus what's being self-contained. Texts that are completely italicized are flashbacks and dream scenes.

CW/Content Warnings:

• Suicide (eventually discussed, mostly implied/referenced with the exception of certain chapters)

• Death (discussions/referenced)

• Murder (implied/referenced)

• Sexual Assault (eventually implied/referenced)

• Child Abuse (implied/referenced)

• Child Neglect (implied/referenced/discussed)

• Depression (implied/referenced/discussed)

• Unrequited Love

• Toxic Relationship (eventually implied/referenced)

• Unreliable Narrator

• Transphobia (internalized and past mentions)

• Dead Names (dead names will be used)

• Emetophobia (mentioned)

• Pedophilia (mentioned adult/minor relationship)

• Kidnapping

• Homophobia (internalized and past mentions)

• Infidelity (discussions and mentions)

Possibly More to be Added

Please inform me of any potential triggers that might affect you so that I'm made aware of whether or not it's something to be added!

ALSO, due to the fact that this story heavily features suicide and grief, it will NOT be mentioned as an individual chapter warning unless it's explicitly shown or deliberately discussed.

If any of the above are too much for you, please know I will not be offended if you decide that reading this fic isn't for you.

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