Chapter 3: What happened between you two?

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Jake's pov:

I don't know what's going on, first Zander and Luke don't really interact with each other anymore which is confusing because Luke and Zander are literally always flirting every single day, I don't know what's going on, but I think I saw Stacy and Luke holding hands, don't tell me...

"Zander?" I call Zander's name in confusion,
"..." Zander looks really hurt.

"Are you okay Zander?" I ask, it feels really sad seeing him that hurt

".....I'm fine." Zander lies to me.

"No you're not you're hurt."

"Jake, I'm fine."

"Just tell me what happened." I sighed

"No." He walked away

"Oh Zander wait, just a second?" I ask

He completely left me, now I'll ask Luke...

As I walk to Luke I see his arms in Stacy's shoulders, they cannot be dating.

"Luke?" I ask

Luke turns back to me but Stacy looks at him looking mad and then looks at me with the most judgy look ever, I start to feel uncomfortable

"What happened between you and Zander?" I ask uncomfortably as I look at Stacy's death stare, I feel like I shouldn't have asked that now

"Uh- I-" Luke was gonna finish his sentence

"OH! HE BROKE UP WITH ZANDER AND NOW IS DATING ME, BYE BLONDIE!" Stacy yells out loud cheerfully

I cannot believe she doesn't even know my own name and I know hers, oh well she's just a weirdo anyway.

I feel something behind me, like a hug, I turn around

"H-HAILEY?!" I yell out

"Happy birthday Jake!" She yells cheerfully


"H-HEY THANKS!" I say, she's still hugging me and I get a lot of butterflies as I look at her hugging me and her fluffy hair getting in the way of her face.

"SOOO you know those shoes you've been completely OBSESSED with?" Hailey asks with a big grin in her face, she looks so cute everytime she smiles.

"Uh- yea." I think she got that for a second but these are expensive so no way she did

"Well... you might need to check under your bed when you get home!" Hailey says very happy

I froze

"Jake? You okay?" Hailey asks


"Jake... you are considered family to me, I'd buy anything for my own family." Hailey says looking serious but heart-touching

"Oh Hailey, thank you!"
I push Hailey for a big hug and I start carrying her

"S-STOP THAT!" She seems embarrassed

"HAHAHA, no." I say with a big grin in my face but I put her down later on

"Listen.. It's just that, you're so precious to me.. I'm grateful for everything you did ever since I let you join the music club, and I don't know what I would be without you. So... thanks." Hailey says looking like she wants to keep it short before adding more detail but she looks a bit embarrassed and pink

*I gasp very quietly and my cheeks start to feel a bit weird*


*I get butterflies but then I realise that I was staring at Hailey*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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