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3 months later...
Anna's in her bed sound asleep until she hears knocking on her door. "hmm..?" Anna lifts her head up hearing the loud knocks "what the...?" Anna gets up from her bed

I wonder whose here in the middle of the night.

Anna opens the front door to reveal Leon with some scratches on his face. Anna softly gasps "Leon?"

"Anna" Leon softly smiles as his voice has deepend since Anna last saw him

"Are you ok?" Anna moves out of the way of the door to let Leon in

Leon touches his face walking in as Anna closes the door behind him "I'm ok. I'm sorry if I woke you or anything but..." Anna walks up to Leon "I missed you..."

"I missed you too" Anna looks down

"I have a few days before I have to go again but I don't want to go without leaving you again"


"I want to give it a try with us..."

Anna looks up in disbelief "you do?"

Leon nods "I don't want to loose you again. The past few months i've been thinking about that night... I regret leaving" Leon walks closer to her

"I waited so long just for this Leon" Anna gives him a small smile

"I'll make the time and..."

"Leon" Anna interupts "I just care if your here" Anna goes on tippy toes to kiss Leon. Leon kisses back.

4 years Later, 2010
Anna and Leon are sitting across each other in a well light restaurent surrounded by other couples. "How was your misson?" Anna takes a sip of wine

Leon starts to eat "You know these missions...but i'm here with you" Leon smiles

Anna blushes "I can't believe it's been four years"

"Goverment can't stop me from being with you"

"speaking of..."


"What were you and my dad talking about his office the other day?" Anna gives Leon a devious smile

"you'll find out at the end of the night"

Time skip
A waiter hands Leon and Anna chocolate covered strawberries on a plate. Leon gulps as Anna smiles "Anna..."

Anna picks up a strawberry and starts to eat it "yeah" Anna cover her mouth

"These past four years with you...made me into the happiest man in the world and it's been a while since I felt happy ever since raccoon city. Living apart was hell even just missions" Leon sighs "You've been on my mind for the past 12 years Anna". Anna finishes the strawberry going for another one smiling "I mean we went through it all surviving raccoon, going our seperate ways became different people found our way back moved in together with no troubles. we're still here" Anna bites down on the strawberry making a face feeling somthing hard to bite through

"I love you and I think it's time for the next step. I can't live a life without you in it..." Anna smiles at him before looking at the strawberry to see something shiny in it. Anna pulls out and gasps seeing a diamond ring "Anna will you marry me?"

Anna has a tear fall "yes..."

One month later
Anna is in a half empty bedroom looking at a full body mirror wearing a simple ivory color mermaid dress with spaghetti strapps square shapped neckline with semi long train. She has a bun and a lower back veil not covering her face "what do you think?"

Miracles happen all the time (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now