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6 months Later...
Anna walks in the dark house "Leon?" Anna turns on the light to reveal she's very pregnant wearing light blue scrubs with a dark purple long sleeve rolled up to her elbows in a ponytail "Leon?" Anna calls again

"hey" Leon walks over to Anna from the living room

Anna smiles "Hey, you ok?"

Leon kisses her "Yeah just wanted to catch up on some sleep"

"Oh, sorry"

"No your fine" Leon kisses Anna's lips and feels her stomach "How's the baby?"

"Oh well..." Leon takes her purse from her as they walk together to the living room "The baby was hungry today I ate so much" Anna feels her stomach as they sit down on the couch.

Leon chuckles "Just a few more months"

"Then some ice chips and epidural" Anna moves down a bit

Leon laughs "I'm gonna take a leave at work soon i'm gonna help you and the baby out"

"You already do alot..." Anna smiles

"Yeah but this job... I want to be home more, your a doctor and I don't want to put too much pressure on you. Anna hugs Leon smiling as leon hugs her back as the door bell rings.

"Stay here" Leon gets up as Anna sighs in relaxation feeling her stomach

"Apple pie does sound good" Anna looks down at her stomach "I like the way you think" Anna chuckles as Leon walks in twith Claire with short shoulder length hair. "Claire?" Anna smiles

"Hey" Claire smiles

"What's up" Anna sits up

"Barry went back..." Claire's smiles goes away along with Anna's.

Anna nods "To the island...?"

"Yeah... A few days ago" Leon sits next to Anna

"Is he ok? Did she find what he was looking for?" Anna gulps

"No...I honestly was hoping to go after him...with you" Claire points at her stomach

"I mean if you want too I can just not too deep in that island" Anna rubs her stomach

Leon shakes his head "Wait a minute... the both of you don't know what's over there?"

"Yeah but Moira might be..." anna looks down "We left Natalia and Moira there...."

"I'll keep an eye out for Anna and the baby hell we might do a helicopter search..." Claire looks at Leon "I'll keep her safe"

"Anna what do you want to do?" Leon looks at Anna

"I...I...I think I want to go" Anna looks at Claire

Leon sighs "when?"

"In the morning"

Leon nods "Be careful"

Anna smiles "I will"

The next day
Anna and Claire are in a helicopter in the night looking around. Claire has a red long sleeve with jeans as Anna has a long grey sleeve with a brown jacte black jeans and black combat boots "see anything?" Claire asks

Anna shakes her head "no" Anna hears roaring above "but I hear that"

"go up!" Claire orders with a sniper in hand as the helicopter comes up to see Moira, Natalia and a older man

"Barry!" Anna calls as she looks into a tunnel to se a huge monster coming out of it

"Oversee this, bitch" Claire aims at the monster before shooting hitting her

Miracles happen all the time (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now