Home now...

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Anna lifts her head up to see blurry vision "my god..." Anna lifts herself up to see Claire perfectly clear limping to Moira on the ground. Anna looks behind Claire to see Neil behind her moving up "Claire behind you!" Anna yells as Neil falls on Claire

"no!" Moira yells as Claire's gun falls out her pocket to a place she can't reach

"Neil, where did we go wrong? Claire struggles for the gun

Anna slowly gets up as Moira slowly crawls to the gun "You could help me... It's not too late" Neil in a very monsterious tone chokes out Claire

"Shit! Claire!" Moira crawls to the gun slowly grabbing it "fucking gun..." Moira gets on her knees "Go jump on a dildo, boss!" Moira shoots Neil. Anna looks at Moira smiling as Moira keeps shooting and doesn't stop until he falls on claire

"Claire!" Anna runs over to Anna

"Moira, You... You did it" Claire  looks proud as Anna and Moira lift up Neil

"Don't scare me like that again"

Anna chuckles "You saved her though" Claire crawls out as they drop neil

The blonde woman looks at them in the camera "I'll have what I need with that girl" The woman walks off "35 more weeks till she gives birth" She smirks "That baby will be my true birth..."

Anna Moira and Claire are in the elevator in silence. Anna reloads her shotgun as Claire reloads her pistol "Time to meet the cause of our misery"

"And time to go home" Anna smiles as the elevator stops "see" The elevator opens

"What is this place" Moira ask as they are in a huge room with blue stuff all over the place in almost a blue room

"Doesn't matter. Let's find the overseer" They walk over into another room to see comms. They see all of their photos saying failed or nothing for Anna Moira and Claire

"Look at the video feeds. We've been through most of these areas" Moira points the cameras

"And she's been watching our every step"

Time skip
Moira Anna and Claire walk into a blue honeycomb room with bars on the side "Damn" Anna looks around before the honeycomb in front of them disappears

"We meet at least" Claire says as they all walk up the barrier to see the woman turn around facing them

She raises her arms "You cam all this way just to say good-bye? I'm touched" She touches her chest and they see her hold something. "It's already done. I've conquered fear and earned the right to become a god"

"A god?" Anna questions to herself

Two years ago
"Albert wesker thought he had the right to be a god" Chris tells Leon as Anna is behind a wall

Leon sighs "Wesker.." Leon scoffs "He's dead now. It doesn't matter, make the world safe" leon looks away scoffiing again shaking his head "right to bed a god"

Anna looks at The woman weirdly "Come out from behind that glass so I can choke a god" Moira threatens as the woman walks around

"All that remains is one final test. One last threshold to cross"

"Is she even listening to us?" Claire asks

The woman pulls out her pad "My brother's escape was death"

"Brother?" Anna questions to herself

"And soon it will be mine as well" She drops the pad walkingd toward them "I will share his fate. And then I will surpass him" She pulls out her gun aiming at Claire. Claire aims her gun at Claire as Moira covers herself

Miracles happen all the time (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now