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It snowed on the night of the Lantern Festival, covering up the traces of excitement, and everything was extremely quiet.

The steaming bath in the palace was even more noisy than usual.

Ruan Zhi's gentleness and initiative made Gu Qingci lose control.

Bathing together doesn't happen a few times a year.

Ruan Zhi was just afraid of offending Gu Qingci.

Now it's okay, she took the initiative, and she even led people to the bath.

suffered dire consequences.

When Lu Qingci took Ruan Zhi out of the bath, Ruan Zhi didn't want to move a finger.

The eyebrows were charming, and the eyes with a layer of water were half-closed. Just looking at Gu Qingci made Gu Qingci crazy.

The helpless person has been exhausted enough.

"Tell me, in your previous life, did you also want to find a boss to support you?" When Ruan Zhi was put on the bed, she tapped Gu Qingci with her slender fingers.

Gu Qingci once told Ruan Zhi many things about his past life.

Ruan Zhi already knew a lot about Gu Qingci's past life. Considering her current personality, a question came to her mind.

"...Well, I do have this idea..." Gu Qingci said as Ruan Zhi reached out and pinched his face.

"If someone asks you to pledge yourself to me, and if they have the ability to make you a salted fish, will you accept it?" Ruan Zhi said, her eyes that were half-closed just now opened, her eyes shone with a hint of reproach. , with a bit of soft charm.

Gu Qingci swallowed his saliva as he watched. He didn't know why Ruan Zhi suddenly became jealous for no reason, but seeing Ruan Zhi like this, he liked her very much and looked at her so cutely.

"Sister, if that person is you, I would naturally be willing to commit myself. If it is someone else, I won't." Gu Qingci whispered, kissing Ruan Zhi's eyebrows.

"Sister, if you continue to be jealous like this, I will..." Lu Qingci's voice became lower and lower as he spoke.

"Your back is sore, rub it for me." Ruan Zhi pushed Gu Qingci gently, not daring to coddle her anymore.

Lu Qingci knew that Ruan Zhi was tired, so he stopped teasing her and massaged Ruan Zhi skillfully.

After a while Ruan Zhi closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Lu Qingci watched Ruan Zhi sleeping, kissed her several times, lay down and slept with Ruan Zhi in her arms.

I don't know how long it took before Ruan Zhi woke up from the cold.

The biting cold feeling made Ruan Zhi shiver.

There are earth dragons in the palace, and you won't feel cold even if you wear small clothes in the bedroom.

Why is it so cold?

Ruan Zhi opened her eyes and saw an old and unfamiliar room, not a palace!

Ruan Zhi was startled, sat up and looked around.

A strange place, everything is very strange, but there is a sense of familiarity.

Ruan Zhi remembered what Gu Qingci had told her about her previous life and the sketches he had drawn.

They all seem to be right.

"2037", looking at the time on the calendar, Ruan Zhi remembered that this time seemed to be the time when the end of the world arrived as mentioned by Lu Qingci.

Seeing the specific date, Ruan Zhi immediately remembered it.

This date was the death anniversary of Gu Qingci's parents and relatives.

Ruan Zhi has a guess.

Maybe it was something that happened at night that made Ruan Zhi have a related dream!

Ruan Zhi searched her memory for all the things that Gu Qingci had told her about her previous life, made a quick decision, took the coat in the room and ran out.

On the street in winter, it had just snowed. It was Christmas. The streets were full of people and very lively. Ruan Zhi couldn't care less.

Even if it was a dream, even if it was false, Ruan Zhi wanted to change something for Gu Qingci.

Ruan Zhi asked someone for directions to the busiest shopping mall and hurried there.

It was not far away, and Ruan Zhi quickly arrived near a shopping mall.

There were many people inside and outside the mall, and Ruan Zhi looked for Gu Qingci in the crowd.

"Dad, I want to eat candied haws!" A childish voice sounded. Ruan Zhi turned around and saw a girl in a down jacket standing in front of several adults, with a pure and happy smile on her face.

This little girl looks a bit like Gu Qingci.

"Okay, dad will buy it. Xiaoci and mom are waiting here." The gentle-looking man said with a smile.

After Ruan Zhi confirmed that it was Gu Qingci, she rushed over without thinking any more.

Ruan Zhi didn't know when the zombie wave would arrive here, but she knew that Lu Qingci had said that the parking garage on the second underground floor of the shopping mall was temporarily safe. Pulling the rolling shutter door could resist it for a while.

Moreover, there was a supermarket warehouse connected there, which had enough supplies. Gu Qingci also spent the first difficult stage there.

"Excuse me, can you do me a favor? I'm in a hurry and want to go home. There is no car nearby. Do you have a car that can give me a ride?" Ruan Zhi said anxiously when she reached them, pleading.

This reason has been used by many scammers in modern times.

The parents beside Gu Qingci looked at Ruan Zhi suspiciously.

"Mom and Dad, she must be very anxious. Let's drive her first." The young girl Lu Qingci looked at Ruan Zhi and begged.

"Don't you want to eat candied haws on a stick?" the man next to Gu Qingci asked.

"You can eat the candied haws another day. Let's send this sister back first. Dad, please." Gu Qingci said to his father.

At Gu Qingci's request, the man agreed and led a few people to the underground garage.

When they arrived at the underground garage and found their car, Ruan Zhi was still thinking about how to persuade them, and the surroundings started to become noisy.

The sound of the rolling shutter door closing sounded.

"Outside, there are zombies outside! It's too scary, too scary!"

Someone rushed in and shouted.

There weren't many people in the parking garage, so they didn't know the situation yet.

Looking at this situation, Ruan Zhi must have escaped once.

"Don't go out yet, just wait in the car. There is a supermarket warehouse nearby. It is safe to hide here for the time being." Ruan Zhi looked at Gu Qingci and said with a gentle voice.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ruan Zhi felt some force pulling her somewhere else.

"You should live well with your parents!" Ruan Zhi only had time to say something to Gu Qingci before she disappeared.

It's like sinking into a black hole.

Nothing could be seen around him.

Ruan Zhi was a little anxious. Something like a window appeared in the darkness, and she could see outside.

Ruan Zhi saw Gu Qingci again.

Because supermarkets are rich in supplies, people underground unite to fight against zombies.

In his spare time, there was a professor there who would teach children, including Gu Qingci.

"I didn't want to go to work before, but now I think about it, it's better to go to work! There is a boss here, just follow the instructions, occasionally touch fish, as long as you don't reel in, you can just lie flat." There were a few social animals among those people, who missed the

past On peaceful days, Gu Qingci listened carefully.

Ruan Zhi laughed. Gu Qingci was probably influenced by these people.

Time passed quickly, and Ruan Zhi watched the girl who was dependent on her parents grow from a petite and cute girl protected by her parents to a little warrior who could protect her parents.

The childish face gradually became resolute and courageous, but what remained unchanged was the crooked eyes that warmed the sun when he smiled.

None of this was very real. Ruan Zhi felt like it was a dream, but she was still happy to have changed a little bit of Gu Qingci's life.

Lu Qingci would never lose a loved one again, nor would he feel guilty because of that thing.

However, she seemed to have one more worry.

After learning to draw, she drew many character sketches, all of which were of one person.

Ruan Zhi recognized it, it was Ruan Zhi with her long hair disheveled.

Just because of that one-time relationship, Gu Qingci remembered Ruan Zhi and kept recalling it in his heart. The Ruan Zhi he drew was almost exactly the same as the self Ruan Zhi saw in the mirror.

"Beautiful sister, where are you? Are you a fairy sent by God? When will I see you again?"

Ruan Zhi heard Gu Qingci murmuring in a low voice, but she didn't expect that it would leave such a deep impression on a child's heart. .

Ruan Zhi was still in the dark, thinking that she was a bystander. Unexpectedly, not long after, she was involved in that world again.

This time Ruan Zhi is not an ordinary person, but a base leader with space powers.

A lot of food, water, medicine, fuel, etc. are stored in her space.

In this base, she is the absolute emperor.

"Boss, there are a few new people coming to the base. Some of them are pretty good-looking, but the third brother and the others just want to..." Ruan Zhi had just received some memories of the original owner when he heard his subordinates saying in his ears.

Ruan Zhi knew that this so-called third child was the number three person in the base and was very lustful.

Every time, he would use his privileges and materials in exchange for the obedience of those weak and pretty girls.

"What newcomer? Where is the newcomer?" Ruan Zhi asked immediately after reacting.

Ruan Zhi remembered that the base she was in now was the first base where Gu Qingci came to seek refuge after growing up and having no resources in the original place.

"Boss is also interested? I heard that there is a girl who is tall and has long legs. She is very attractive!" the subordinate said to Ruan Zhi, a little excited.

Ruan Zhi was too lazy to explain anything and asked his subordinate to take him to see it quickly.

Ruan Zhi arrived at the base reception area for newcomers and heard wailing before she even entered.

Opening the door, Ruan Zhi saw a slender woman kicking a man with her long legs, pressing the man to the ground without any movement.

Some of the people around pointed their guns at the woman.

"If you dare to shoot, I will kill him. Let's get together and relax. If you want me to obey you and get a house and food, there is no way!" the woman said with a cold snort.

When Ruan Zhi heard the woman's words and saw her face, she unconsciously raised the corners of her mouth.

This woman is the grown-up Gu Qingci.

It looked like he was high-spirited when he had just passed the martial arts exam. It was a bit fierce, but still very cute.

"Put down the guns!" Ruan Zhi came in and said.

She didn't want someone to have a misfire and hurt Gu Qingci.

When everyone saw the boss of the base coming, they lowered their guns.

Gu Qingci, who was watching the surroundings warily, also saw Ruan Zhi.

Gu Qingci, who had spoken very harshly just now, was looking at Ruan Zhi blankly, his eyes bewildered.

In Gu Qingci's eyes, the person in front of her was the goddess she had met when she was a child and had never forgotten her!

They meet again!

"Boss, this newcomer has gone too far! We can't let her go, the third child has been beaten to such a state!" someone said to Ruan Zhi.

Ruan Zhi ignored it and just looked at Gu Qingci.

"Thank you for dealing with the scum for us. I'm sorry for what happened just now. Are you still willing to stay in our base? If you stay..." Ruan Zhi said softly.

"I do!" Gu Qingci said immediately without any hesitation.

Ruan Zhi met Gu Qingci's eyes, feeling that her eyes were more and more similar to the lover Ruan Zhi knew, burning like fire, hot and sincere.

"Okay. Then you stay. As long as you obey, you will have a house and food." Ruan Zhi said.

"Boss, of course I obeyed!" Lu Qingci said without blinking.

Ruan Zhi asked people to clean up the surroundings and arranged a house and food for Gu Qingci.

Gu Qingci went to the base alone to explore the way. His parents were still outside. After they were safe here, he went to pick them up and live there.

Lu Qingci settled in the base and became Ruan Zhizhong's loyal follower.

According to Gu Qingci's original fate, he found a new base to live in after leaving. As a result, the base was besieged by zombies, and Gu Qingci just crossed over.

With Ruan Zhi's participation, Gu Qingci could live in the first base.

The picture gradually blurred, and Ruan Zhi's consciousness disappeared into the darkness again. This time, he did not continue to observe as before, but woke up.

The body was warm and hugged.

"Sister, I had a dream. I dreamed that you came to my world and saved me and my parents. Later we met again. Sister, you are awesome, you are the leader of the base!" Gu Qingci murmured.

Ruan Zhi paused slightly and hugged Gu Qingci back.

Maybe it's a dream, maybe it's not a dream.

No matter what, the two of them can overcome all difficulties together.

"Sister, the candied haws bought yesterday is not delicious, and it still has seeds. I will prepare the ingredients today and I will make it. By the way, there are also rock sugar snowballs, they are all delicious!" Gu Qingci added, rubbing his head on Ruan Zhi's body After a while, he swallowed again.

"Okay!" Ruan Zhi smiled gently and stretched out her arms to hug Gu Qingci.

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