A Night With My Crush

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As the chilling winds of October swept through the darkened streets, a sense of eerie excitement hung in the air. Halloween was drawing near, and with it came the annual tradition of spine-tingling adventures.

In the dead of night, Sera found herself alone in her house. She had been in her kitchen, lost in thought when suddenly, the weather outside took a sinister turn. Lightning streaked across the sky, and a low rumble of thunder echoed through the air. Just then, a sharp, unexpected knock echoed from the back door.

Tense but curious, she opened it. There was no one in sight. As she turned to head back to her room, she was met with a chilling whisper, "Sera, open the door." Her voice quivered as she demanded, "Who's there?" Venturing outside, she searched but found nothing . she turned back to enter her house.

That's when it happened. "Happy Halloween!" a chorus of voices erupted.

"OMG, Era, Kate, Kiya... it's you! How could you do this to me? I think I just had a mini heart attack," Sera exclaimed.

But the surprise wasn't over. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind and lifted her.

"Austin, Blake, you two too?" Sera laughed,

Laughter filled the air as Era grinned and said, "See, I told you this plan would be amazing."

"Where on earth did you find those costumes?" 

"Aren't they just amazing?" Kiya said 

"Hey Sera, do you remember that plan we made for Halloween? We're on it," Blake said.

 Among the circle of friends, there was a growing anticipation of a road trip to a haunted house in the longest-abandoned city, a place whispered about only in the most chilling of campfire tales.


"Ready for the adventure?" Blake asked.

"Absolutely, never more!" Everyone cheered.

"Where's Chris? He's never on time," Austin noted.

Sera cheeks flushed, heart racing. She took a deep breath, bracing for the day's thrills.

"Hey guys, missing me?" Chris said, his voice cutting through the excitement.

"Sasha! What are you doing here?" Kate, Era, and Kiya shouted in surprise.

"Hi, I am so excited for this trip" Sasha chimed in mischievously

"Alright, everyone, let's get in. We've got a long way ahead of us," Blake directed

"Where should I sit?" Sasha exclaimed

"On the car hood," Sera replied with a mischievous glint

In the rearview mirror, Sera's eyes met Chris's. There was something unspoken but understood in that moment. He smiled, and she couldn't help but return it, a shy warmth spreading through her.

Sasha, ever the realist, rolled her eyes.

 The road stretched on, winding through a landscape bathed in autumn trees. Laughter and anticipation filled the car, but a sense of eerie excitement hung in the air.

After a long day, the car came to a stop in front of a towering, seemingly abandoned mansion. It exuded an air of age and haunting mystique with the surroundings were veiled in a thick fog.

"I'm feeling something bad already," Era voiced her unease.

"Oh, come on, we haven't even stepped outside and you're worried," Blake reassured her with a playful grin.

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