second chance trope (harry's version)

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Pt 1: Sometimes you think to yourself that it's strange that out of all people Harry could have had, he choose you to be his girlfriend

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Pt 1:
Sometimes you think to yourself that it's strange that out of all people Harry could have had, he choose you to be his girlfriend. He's the chosen one and really good looking. He could quite literally have one girl on each of his fingers, but somehow he wants only you.
A miracle, that's for sure.
You're sitting in the common room, nose buried in a book when the portrait hole wrings open and Harry enters the room, with Hermione and Ron and walks straight to you.
Hey my love.", he speaks against your lips before he sits down.
You smile. Hey to you too."
Because you bury your nose in your book again, you don't see the glance that Hermione shoots at Harry. She's looking at him, angry and disgusted.
The conversation he just had with her and Ron replays in Harry's mind.
Tell her tonight or I will tell her tomorrow.", she had said before murmuring the password to the fat lady.
Another angry look, and Harry nods, defeated.
He feels like his insides turns into a bunch of snakes.
He knows should probably rip the bandaid off now, fast and firm and beg for your forgiveness. But he can't bring up the courage.
Instead, he wraps both arms around your waist to pull you closer. He nuzzles his face into your neck, swallowing the bulge in his throat.
"What has gotten into you, Harry?", you giggle and get comfortable in his lap.
He grabs his phone and sends a text to Hermione without you noticing.
I just want something to remember., it says.
Hermione eyes soften a little and she nods.
That's how you spend the next hours: cuddled into Harry's lap, his fingers caressing every inch of your body he can reach. His mind is racing in an attempt to find a solution, but he can't come up with one.
The times goes by too fast.
Eventually Hermione clears her throat and gets up. "I'm going to bed. You look tired too, Ron.", she says.
"Oh yeah. Uhm- see you later, mate."
Ron pats Harry's shoulder and leaves to common room too.
Harry gathers all his courage. "I need to tell you something.", he whispers.
You take a place next to him, feeling that something is wrong. "Hey, what's going on?", you ask, taking his hand in yours.
He takes a deep breath. "Give me a kiss, please. I need one last kiss."
You furrow your brows. "What do you mean, one last kiss?"
A horrifying thought pops up in your head. What if he realizes that he can have someone better? What if he does not want you anymore? But if that was the case, why would he want a kiss?
Instead of an answer, Harry cups your cheeks with his hands. "Kiss me, please."
You bite back the questions and lower your head to meet his lips. You try to put all your feelings into the kiss, to show Harry that you love him dearly. His thumbs caresses your soft skin of your jaw.
After an eternity, he pulls away and takes another deep breath. "Fuck, that's so hard."
He scoots a little away from you. You already have to bite back tears.
"Four months ago, there was this party after we won the match against Hufflepuff. Ron, the twins and I got pretty drunk. You were there too and we started talking about you."
"This still makes no sense.", is your response as you tug a strand of hair being your ear.
"I don't know what has gotten into me. Maybe it was the high of the win or the alcohol, I don't know. But Ron suggested a bet."
Your stomach drops. Please don't tell me it is what I think it is.
You see remorse in Harry's green eyes. "It was 20 galleons if I got you to fall for me."
His voice breaks, but he reaches out for you.
You pull away, too shocked about what he just said.
"I didn't take the money, I swear!", he says, getting on his feet.
"I was just a bet?", you ask, your voice barely over a whisper. The sound of your breaking heart is loud and clear in your head.
"In the beginning, yeah, but-"
Harry stops talking as you try to take off the necklace he gave you but your hands are trembling.
"No, no! Please, I beg to you, keep it." He grabs your wrist, out of breath, panicking. "Don't do that."
You give up; you're not able to unclasp it anyways. "I need time to think.", you say.
Before Harry has a chance to respond, you already left, running up the stairs to your dorm.

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