Theo in pull ups

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They pulled up in Theo's driveway and his mum unbuckled both of them took both of their hands and led them indoors. She Told theo to stand at bottom of the stairs  until she came back. So theo did just that. She took Freddie into the other room and turned on the TV, setting it to kids channels, got him a drink and told him to stay there. She then got theo and took him to his room.
Rooting through his clothes She found him some dry briefs and a pair of grey shorts. After removing his wet trousers, followed by his socks and then briefs. Also realising he had peed on his t.shirt she removed that too. Theo just stood there having been told not to move. She then went to theos night time drawer and took out a pull up saying, must remember to get the ones from the car. Theo was confused as to why she was holding a pull up until she knelt down and opened it out in front of him and told him to step. "Is it bedtime mummy?" He asked curiously.
"No, but you've wet yourself 2 times. So you can wear this. Freddie is waiting downstairs so hurry up"
Still confused he stepped into it.
"Don't I need a wash?" He asked, realising that he could smell the pee on his skin
"You can have a shower later"
She then opened up his red briefs, then shorts and t.shirt.
Theo asked his mum. "What if I need a wee?"
His mum looked at him and just said to use his pull up. That's what it's for.

Now, theo didn't mind wearing pull ups. He'd regularly leave it on in the morning to have breakfast and watch TV. And he would even do his morning pee in it which often made them leak. Infact 2 mornings before, theo was sat at the table eating his cereal talking to his dad and released his morning pee, he'd peed so much that when he got up there was a small puddle on the chair and his bum was soaked. His dad never minded him doing this as saw it as harmless fun. He'd just normally tell theo "go get changed bud"
He wouldn't do this all the time, sometimes he wanted to be a "big boy" and would remove his wet pull up straight away and pee in the toilet before going downstairs. But mostly left it on as he enjoyed the comfort.

Theo and his mum went back downstairs and theo joined Freddie to watch cartoons. After a bit theo realised that Freddie had fallen asleep. Remembering that Freddie also wets in his sleep he went and told his mum that Freddie was asleep, she decided to let him nap but went back upstairs and got a drynite bed mat from theos room and managed to get it underneath him. She didn't want her sofa ruining. She sent a text to Freddies mum and told her he'd fallen asleep. Who came round, the 2 mum enjoyed a chat and a cuppa while theo watched TV and Freddie napped.
Fredddies mum decided it was time to leave and that Freddie had had long enough and went to wake him up. It was a good job the mat was under him as Freddie had peed at some point. The 2 of them walked home.

Theo proudly told his mum that his pull up was still dry and he now needs to pee and asked if he can use the toilet instead. His mum looked at him and said "what do you think the answer is?" Theo knew the answer but said "I can use it, I've been good and stayed dry now"
His mum then told him to sit at the table and not move as dinner would be ready soon .. she hadn't even started cooking yet. Theo sat reading his school book out loud to his mum while she eventually started dinner his need to pee building. When it started  getting uncomfortable theo decided that as she was never going to let him use the toilet to just pee himself again. He began to relax and slowly pee in his pull up, eventually a strong stream was filling his pull up and he felt the warmth and bulk he would feel in the mornings. He continued reading the entire time.

Just before his mum plated up she asked if he had peed. He replied that he had and she told him to go upstairs and change his pull up for a new one. He did that and went back downstairs his mum came and checked he was wearing one. Theo ate his food and was sent to bed. Leaving him confused about wearing a pull up in the daytime. And how he actually enjoyed it.

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