Chapter 2: Interv- Meetup

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A/N: So like I have another fanfiction before I made this and it's a bsd fanfic. It has 7 parts (1 is disclaimer but we don't talk about that) and I would like this story to also catch up to 7 parts which means i will update these 2 books in turn after i write up to 7 parts. Ty for reading this whole paragraph btw!

Update: nvm i deleted it (im gonna make another 1 lol)


"Uhh grandma, he says he can't come to our house, so we decided to meet up somewhere." Isagi looked up from his phone, putting it into his pocket.

"Where?" His grandma, who was dusting the shelves although they were already very clean, turned around to face him.

"McDonalds. You told me there's one near here right?"

"Yes, there is. We haven't had outside food for a long time so I guess it's okay."

"I'll tell him that." The boy dug his phone from his pockets again and texted Kaiser.

yeah she says McDonalds is fine so u better come

UGH fione

He looked up from his phone and got up. "Hmgh!" He stretched his body. "Do you need help with anything Grandma?"

"No it's fine. Oh wait I think there is something you need to do. Go clean the garden."

"NOT THAT!!" He groaned and set for the garden, tools in hand.

"It's good exercise!" His grandma yelled back from the living room.

'Should not have asked her that' Isagi sulked.

Timeskip brought to you by Neuvotter 😍😻

As Kaiser entered the McDonald's, he scanned the bustling restaurant, searching for a guy with blue hair. Just as he was about to order a coffee and wait, he spotted Isagi in a corner booth, waving him over with an old lady right next to him.

Kaiser ordered his coffee and joined Isagi at the booth. "Hallo Ma'am!"

"Ah, hallo junge Mann." Isagi's grandma greeted back.
Translated: Ah, hello young man.

Note: i chuckled while translating that 💀

"Bereits bestellt?" Kaiser questioned.
Translated: Already ordered?

"Mhm. We ordered a Coke and 2 big macs."

"No happy meal? I thought you were the type to order something like that, Isagi."

"Stop getting on my nerves."

"Yea yea whatever" The older boy smirks.

"あなたは何について話しているのですか?" The frail lady elbowed her grandson.
Translated: What are you talking about?

"何もない" He replied.
Translated: Nothing.

Translated: Hm

Note: idk why i needed that but 💔✊

"二人がいちゃいちゃしてると思ってた。" She continued.
Translated: I thought you two were flirting.

"祖母!" He turned red from the comment.
Translated: Grandma!

Kaiser raised a brow with the conversation happening before him, staying silent when suddenly the boy in front of him turned red and whisper-shouted something.

Translated: Don't say that!

At that moment, Isagi's order number was called. He quickly got up from the table and rushed to the counter. Not because he was in a rush to get the order but to get out of the teasing his grandma was doing.

"Hm. Ich möchte nicht neugierig sein... aber warum wurde er so nervös?"
Translated: I don't want to pry... but why did he get so nervous?

"Schon gut." The old lady smiled.
Translated: It's nothing.

Isagi came back with a tray of food and put it in front of them.

"So lass uns anfangen."
Translated: So let's start.


Least to say, the meet up was quite... uh formal. And awkward. It was more like an interview rather than a meet up. Kaiser was questioned a lot by Isagi's grandma, while the young boy just sat there and scrolled through photos on Instagram, listening in on the two's conversations from time to time. It was very green for Kaiser.

If he had known it would be more than just a simple conversation, he would not have been associated with Isagi with any ways. But of course, if he is interested in something... or in this case someone, he won't let it *ahem* I mean them go so easily.

how was it

hell 😍
never doing that again

Yea but
why do u even wanna hang out with me

would u believe me if I said I was interested in you?

i would not

yea im not

yeaa who would believe that the almighty kaiser is interested in them hm? the man-of-every-girls-dreams wouldnt be interested in a peasant as lowly as me would he?

aw i knew u loved me but not this much~

ew nvm i take all those back

'Well that's one way to steer off the topic.'


lianisstarz & Sketchy-chan SOO i started learning german on duo and

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lianisstarz & Sketchy-chan SOO i started learning german on duo and...

lianisstarz & Sketchy-chan SOO i started learning german on duo and

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So it has 2 meanings! 


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