[&Team] They Saw You Fangirling To Animes (HYUNG LINE)🌞

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They as your boyfriends

Hyung Line💐

Requested by: Hallucigeniaa


-He will first observe you from far, wondering what are you screaming about

-As he got near, now he understood

-You were watching your fav anime and it's your fav male lead specifically

-"Love...really? I thought there is a spider or something that makes you scream" K finally opened his mouth

-"Ohh hey K...nah it's just my favourite anime character...isn't he handsome?" you fangirling

-K then analyzed the character for awhile

-"What's the difference between him with me? We both Japanese though" K asked, pouted

-You just chuckled with his statement and continued to watch your anime

-K then started his mission to gain your attention

-Saying things like "I can do that too" "I'm handsome and realistic from him" and etc

-"Okay okay K my sweet boy...what do you want now?" You asked him as he stood in front of the TV

-"I.Want.Your.Attention" K said one bye one, not forgetting the pout 

-You opened your arms and he immediately leaned in for hugs

-"I love you more, K...don't worry" you assured him

-"Of course you're mine, I stole you first" K smirked and kissed you on the lips


-This guy don't really mind it

-In fact, he's alright to be your company during anime marathon

-"So is that guy who piqued your interest? I see" Fuma asked as he looked into the TV

-You nodded and started to tell him all facts about your favourite character

-Fuma will always focus to you while you're talking 

-"And! And! He also great in karate and and-"and you keep talking and talking

-Fuma patted your head as he smiled

-"You sure adore him that much huh?" Fuma asked you as he patted your head

-And you nodded then started to tell all facts about your favourite character

-He secretly taking notes hehehe

-After hours, you still talking but he still focus on you

-So lovely man i swear to God T-T

-You realised you talked too much and immediately apologised to him

-But tbh, he really don't mind it sm

-"It's fine, sweetheart... I'm glad to know what are your likes and dislikes"


-Our little Nicho will be lowkey jelly jelly

-Maybe not lowkey...He pouts everytime you open your mouth, talk about that one character

-"Awwww not him againnnn" Nicholas whined and pouted

-His pout is so damn cuteeee

-"Come on Nichooo, let me watch my animeee" You said as Nicholas is closing your eyes

-"Heyy how about me, babe?" Nicholas pouted

-"Anime comes first babyyy" You giggled and pushed him away to watch your anime

-Oh no... you just made him sulking to the corner

-After some time, you done watched your anime and started to look for Nicholas

-But he was nowhere to be found

-You keep looking for him around your house

-Until you found him outside, playing with some kittens

-"Heyy Nicho-kun" You called for him but he ignored you lmao

-You immediately hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek

-"Finee I will forgive you...I love you so much to be mad at you for too long"

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating this book for awhile...first I got writing blocks and second I got pretty busy these days. I still working on all the req you guys gave me so don't worry!


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