[&Team] Fighting Zombies (HYUNG LINE)🧟‍♂️

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Them as Survivor

Hyung line💐

Requested by: se_riki_vi


-He definitely protects you and never miss anything from his sight

-Very good at fighting and how you may ask? Duh he's a dancer

-He applies his dancing skills for short distance combat like punch and kick

-While you will help back him up with long distance combat using your trusty sniper or any weapon you're using

-"Hurry darling...we need to find a shelter" K said as both you are running away from the zombies

-"Over there!" You pointed and continued to shoot the zombies behind

-The shelter is protected with high fence and K immediately gets an idea

-"YN....I'm gonna throw you at the side of the fences for you to open the gates!" K suggested

-You nodded and tried to neutralize the remain zombies 

-After that, K lifted you up so you can climb the fences easily 

-After you successfully climbed to the other side, you quickly unlocked the lock of the gates

-K swiftly ran in before you lock the gates back

-"Great job, darling...now we should able rest up first before we go search for help at the other side" K said 

-"Well before we can rest...there's some guests that we need to eliminate first" You said and pointed at a small group of zombies that near the building

-"Easy peasy...let's go kick some brainless people"


-The buff man entered the chat

-You see his mucles? Yeah, the zombies ain't get a chance to attack or bite the two of you

-The two of mostly focus on short distance combat as you two want to protect your shelter from the zombies break in

-"They're coming one by one...we need secure this place" You said

-"I will take care of that side and you sweetheart, take care the main entrance" Fuma suggested

-You nodded and both of you went and took positions

-When two zombies broke in, Fuma immediately punched them and pushed them out from the shelter area

-Fuma also using his strength to throw any heavy object to the other zombies that ran towards him

-"Huh...I hope that's the last one" Before Fuma can rest a little, he heard you screamed

-His eyes widen and ran as fast as he can to the main entrance

-Seeing you're struggling prevent one of the zombies from bite you

-Fuma took a baseball bat and swiftly hit the zombie

-"Fuh...I came just in time...are you okay sweetheart?" Fuma asked as he checked you up

-"Yeah...Thanks Fuma..."You sighed in relief

-"Don't worry...I will always protect you"


-I don't know why I imagined Nicho will somehow be like Ip Man or that karate kid

-His sudden burst of energy to fight all zombies back will make you jaw drop

-"I WILL END YOUR LIFE MUAHAHAHHAH" Nicholas yelled as he shot the zombies that ran towards you and him

-"Nicho...relax...as if we're in the Marvel endgame movie or DC crisis on infinite earths" You shrugged and continued shooting

-"Well baby...we will be in a dead end if we don't take care of these dummies" Nicholas replied

-Both you and Nicholas ran again after successfully slowing down the zombies

-"So what now Nicho?" You asked him while running

-"Now we need to get some new supplies...we can go that supermarket over there" Nicholas said and both of you quicken your pace towards the supermarket

-"Nicho...there's two zombies over there...I'm gonna-" Before you can finish your sentence

-Your man already shot those two zombies

-"Double headshots!" Nicholas yelled happily

-Yeah...you two basically like in real life PUBG

-"Dude...this is real life...not that your firing games...be serious and save up for me too" You said and side eye him

-When sudden pointed his sniper at you and shot a zombie behind you, left you shock

-"I'm being serious right now baby...serious of saving our butts"

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