17| Truth or dare?

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Aanya left to be at the bonfire, and I am still sitting here

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Aanya left to be at the bonfire, and I am still sitting here. I am feeling something I've never felt in years—something vulnerable, something unusual.


Something inside my chest is hurting after knowing that she changed and that she will never be the same for me.

She is an angel, and I am a devil in disguise.

Perfect combination!

But no, I don't have any intentions of tainting the heart of an innocent angel. She is too innocent to be tainted by a devil like me.

I was still in my past thoughts when my phone buzzed, and it was Aaru.

"Bhai, kaha ho aap?"

"Seashore. Why?"

"We're going to play the games; come back right now!" She barked into the phone and suddenly hung up.

I had to keep the phone at least one hand distance away from my ear. My little sister gets excited in the shortest period of time.

I decided to say goodbye to my thoughts, and I am heading towards the others.

I saw everyone sitting around the fire, making a circle, and there was space beside Ishaan, but no.

I don't know why, but I wanted to have a complete view of Aanya. I wanted to look at her face for as long as possible.

I decided to sit right in front of Aanya, and I did.

"Siya, spin the bottle; now everyone's here," Kabir asked Siya, and she gladly did.

"What are we playing?" I don't have any idea about their game or anything.

"Its obvious, Bhai, truth and dare!" Kabir answered me and I just hummed.

Siya spun the bottle and it was on Abhir.

"Truth," Abhir said and I raised my brow.

"I thought you would go for dare Singhania," I told him

"I want to sit in peace and be idle," Abhir said and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Abhir Bhai, are you a virgin?" Kabir asked him and Aanya spit coffee from her mouth, causing her to cough in response.

"What the hell, Kabir, His sister is sitting right here," Aanya said, making horrible face and we all laughed at her.

Abhir just chuckled and said, " I am." Thats it.

Everyone went silent for a moment.

Yeah, I know he is a virgin. He never lets a woman touch him, and for years, I thought he was not interested in women. That was until I got to know about his little crush on Shanaya in college.

He is saving all his firsts for her, I guess. I am sure it is not just a little crush for him anymore, judging by the way he is looking at her right now.

Shanaya snapped her head towards him, but she averted her head within a second.

Aanya was successful in connecting the dots, and now she is smirking like an evil little kitten, looking back and forth from Shanaya to Abhir.

"Okay guys, I am spinning the bottle," Siya said, and she swung the bottle, and now its Aarohi.

"I'll go with dare," she said.

I scowled as Aanya told her, "Okay, Aaru, go and ask the phone number of the first girl you see."

My sister is going to ask someone? Right Infront of me?

"Huh, its easy." She got up, looked around and found some teenagers having fun, so she went to them, talked to them for a few seconds and dang.

She is back with not only one but 3 phone numbers.

"See, that was easy." Aaru shrugged her shoulders.

Siya spun the bottle again and now it was Aanya.

Without realizing it, I strengthen my spine with my entire attention on her.

"Truth," she said with a smile.

"I'll ask," Siya said and she later moved on to her question. " Ever had a boyfriend, Aanya?" Siya asked with a smirk.

"Uh-yeah, I had one in college," Aanya said, thinking as if it were no big deal, but it was not for me at least.

I am having an urge to bury someone 10 feet under the ground, and a pang of jealousy is spreading inside my heart.

She really had a boyfriend. Abhir didn't lie to me about them, but... how can Abhir let her have one?

I am feeling pure rage, and I don't know why, but I want to destroy something right now.

Why are you being like this, Kiansh? Why?

I decided not to show my emotions and just hung my head low to hide my rage.

"Okay, I am spinning now," Kabir said, and he spun the bottle, and now its on me.

Just wow!

"Okay, Bhai, truth or dare."

"Truth," I said without leaving a beat.

"Your first kiss, bhai?" Kabir said, grinning like a fool, and soon it was joined by Aarohi.

"Oh, I love you for this, Kabir," Aaru said with a smirk.


"Not yet," I murmured and looked towards Aanya, who was already looking at me.

I saw the side of her lip curving a bit, and by the look she is having, she is happy knowing that I still haven't had my first kiss.

I don't know if we looked at each other for a few seconds or minutes.

I always lose count of time when I look into her dark orbs, and damn, I can drown in them.

Our moment was broken by the one and only Ishaan, and I so want to punch him in the gut!

"Okay guys, I am sleepy." He stood up and went to sleep.

"What about me?" Siya whined, and we all laughed at her. She spent a lot of energy while spinning the bottle.

I need mental peace right now, as I am pissed off listening to certain things.

Soon, I left everyone with their usual talks.


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