19 | Is he... jealous?

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Kiansh is driving me to my apartment, and apparently Bhai was busy

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Kiansh is driving me to my apartment, and apparently Bhai was busy.

There is an awkward silence surrounding us, and I don't know if it's only awkward for me.

Kiansh decided to break the silence by clearing his throat, and I looked in his direction, asking him through my eyes to express what he was thinking about in words.

"Well, thank you for today," he said without sparing a glance towards me and still sticking his entire attention towards the road.

"It's my job as an employee and also as your assistant," I replied politely to him, giving him a smile.

He just stared at me, and the disappointed look he had on his face didn't go unnoticed by me.

What was he expecting? I wondered.

He didn't utter a single word but was back, giving his entire attention to the road.

He seemed restless and was in deep thought.

Should I ask him?

No, he should not do it; it's not like he will share anything with me; we are not even that close.

"Aanya..." He called me, and I was out of my trance.


"Who..was he?" He slowly muttered under his breath, but I heard him. Clearly.

And... I know what he is referring to.

I tried to suppress my laughter, and I don't know why, but the happy feelings took over my brain, and I just want to jump right now.

But guess what? I decided to play dumb, and I asked him back in the most innocent way possible.

"Who?" I said, making an innocent face.

"Cut the act, Aanya, you know about whom I am talking about." He said it with a straight face, and I could sense the seriousness in his tone.

He is hella serious, but I still feel like playing with him.

"I require words, Mr Rajvansh," I said, trying to hide my playful tone but I know I failed miserably and he knows what cards I am trying to play.

"Your first so-called 'Boyfriend', Miss Singhania, are these WORDS enough?" He said straightforwardly and I am amused.

I never thought he would be this straightforward.

"Ohh..." I said, trying to play innocent and smirking internally.

"He was my High school friend and coincidentally, we moved to the same college."

That's all I said and I can see he wants to listen more but he could say it aloud because he is too proud to say it.

"He approached me in college and I gave him a green chit and eventually we started dating."

As I completed my sentence, he didn't reply anything; instead, his hold on the steering tightened and his knuckles turned completely white, allowing to pop-out his veins.

And DAMN! That was hot!.

I can see his ticked jaw and his annoyed face, and I can sense that he was not pleased with my words.

"Your brother, does he know?" He asked me.

"Yepp," I said, completing the letter P with a pop sound.

"He allowed?" He asked with a frown, and that's it. I couldn't control myself anymore, and I burst out laughing.

"No, clearly not; he was not at all pleased and told me at least a million times to break up with him and even threatened him to back off." I replied, still laughing and remembering those days when Bhai gave my ex-boyfriend a very hard time.

"Of course he wouldn't," he scoffed, and later his lips curled into a proud smirk.

Oh, I so want to wipe that off his face!

"Okay, Mr. Rajvansh, the question is, are you, by any chance, feeling jealous?" I asked him, wiggling his brows playfully, and he just gave his signature glare.

He didn't answer me, or, as I say, he didn't accept it, but he didn't deny it either!

Hell yeah, he is jealous!

I am probably grinning like an idiot right now, feeling both amused and happy at the same time.

"You loved him?" He asked me again after a while, and I froze.


He doesn't even know that the only person I've ever loved in my entire life is him. I've loved Kiansh Rajvansh even when I didn't know what love was.

I never loved anyone other than him. I wouldn't love anyone other than him.

But now, it's over for me and I have kissed goodbye to my stupid childhood crush on him.

"I don't know, as I didn't cry my eyes out when we broke up, nor did I drink or get wasted like a teenager," I muttered under my breath and he chuckled.

What the fuck? He fucking chuckled.

I never knew he was capable of doing so. He is full of surprises and I don't know how much more is on the way.

My eyes widen as I hear his soft chuckle, and he just laughs at my reaction.

"What? Is it this shocking to hear me laugh?" he asked, still laughing.

"No, I didn't know you were capable of doing such things."

"And why do you think so, ma'am?" He asked me playfully.

"Because you always have this 'Dont mess with me' look on your face and I thought you were just an arrogant jerk." I clapped my mouth with my palm as I realised the words I threw at him.

"Arrogant what?" He asked me, passing a fake death glare in my direction and I just let out a nervous laugh, trying to ease up everything.

He just returned his attention towards the road, not to forget the smile that tugged at his face.

KIANSH RAJVANSH is all a girl could ever ask for—the man I have loved my entire life and the one who made me feel safe.

Like Home.

I've never been confused my entire life and I have always been clear with what I want but now the question is...

Am I really over him?

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