Chapter 14: Finally, It's Over

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Ann was trying to convince Mateo in telling her where he was, Mateo was acting stubborn and didn't want to tell her. But Ann told him that she was at the point of death and she desperately needs to leave the house, she was able to convince him, Mateo gave her the address, Diego and the guys went there with her. Mateo isn't aware of this at first, but he had a strange feeling about it, so he had plan B.

They arrived at the place, they snuck into the house without Mateo noticing, they were being as quiet as a jellyfish, they barged into a room but no one was there, all they saw was different photos of Carlos. Mateo have been stalking Carlos since he was 12 years, "what the fuck!" Diego said checking out the photos, "this dude is a maniac" he added; max walked up to Ann pointing a gun at her "where is he?", Ann said looking terrified "I don't know"; Mateo came from behind and started shooting, the bullet touched Ann and jay. Brian rushed to help jay and try to stop the bleeding, Deigo went to meet Ann to help her all she did was apologizing to him, max called the ambulance and was running after Mateo, Diego left Ann followed him.

Max caught up with Mateo and shot him leg and was demanding answers on Carlos whereabout and was threating to shot him, "you can't shoot me, you don't even know where your darling is. If you kill me, he dies too. If I can't have him, no one can" said Mateo, he brough out his phone and showed them where he kept Carlos. Carlos was being buried inside a tank with water, Deigo became worried "what did my baby brother ever do to you", said Diego angrily, "he made me fall in love and he rejected me, and am not the guy who gets reject. I get what I want. You have 14 minutes before the tank full and then BOOM say goodbye to our dear loving Carlos" said Mateo laughing. Brian rushed to meet them; "go and look for Carlos I will handle him" said Brian, max and Diego went to look for Carlos, they searched everywhere possible, they also timed themselves, they searched and searched but couldn't find him and time was almost up, Diego was about to lose hope, he sat on the floor murmuring to himself and saw a bracelet which looked familiar, "this is Carlos's bracelet, I gave it to him on his last year birthday" said Diego, "that means his close" said max. the tank was been buried underneath them as they started digging deep and saw that the tank; which was already filled with water, they quickly rushed down to open it, indeed the tank was deep, they shouted his name hoping to hear a respond but no one answered. Max tied a rope to his waist as he was planning to enter the tank, Diego helped him hold the rope so he wouldn't fall, max succeeded in pulling Carlos out but he was unconscious, he starting giving him CPR; "Carlos come on please don't give up" said max gently pressing his chest, Carlos regained consciousness but was a bit confused, he was happy to see his boyfriend and brother, he quickly hugged them both and thanked them. The cops arrived and arrested Mateo and Ann as the accomplice but before the cops arrived, Brian already tortured him by pulling out one of his eyes, chopped off his fingers and his tongue, when the cops asked, they told them that it was Mateo that did it to himself by accident. Ann was busy apologizing to Diego but he didn't listen "tell it to the judge missy" said Diego, he turned to his brother and hugged him again "FINALLY, IT'S OVER!" he said, "is mum aware that I was kidnapped?" Carlos asked, "no she's not, I don't want her to worry" he answered, max walked up to Carlos "I love you *they hugged* come on we have a show to win", he smiled and kissed max on the cheek.

They went home and pretended as if nothing had happened, Carlos went to visit Carissa in the hospital, they talked and also prepared for the finals against the last year winner; "it's tough but I know we can win," said Carlos. 

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