chapter 6

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Chris POV
"RON!!!" I yelled

Mike got up and ran out the house. And I ran to Ron's side.

"Ron baby wake up!? Please Ron!"! I yelled while crying.

About ten minutes later the police and the paramedics came crystal called them.

"Ma'am can you tell me what happened?" The officer asked crystal.

"Yes my sister said my boyfriend came and he had a gun and Ron tried to grab my boyfriend then he got shot. "My sister said.

"Thank you." The officer said to crystal.

"No problem. She said back with a weak smile.

Crystal POV

I saw Chris talking to the police about everything that happened. I saw them take Ron away in the ambulance. When the officer left and me and Chris went in the house and sat on the end of the stair case all I could do is hold my sister while she cried. And for a moment later I cried also..

Sorry for the short chapter..

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