chapter 10

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(5 months later)
Chris POV

These months were passing by like no tomorrow I graduate high school and trying to figure you out my life now. When Ron died I had to learn how to move on like my mom said. I know its not gonna be easy but I got to try. Even though I love that boy so much I just I feel like a peace of me will never love again.

These months didn't treat me well I moved out from my moms house and No she didn't kick me out... I just wanted to do things myself. So I dance in strip clubs you can say I'm a excotic dancer I get a good amount of money actually. But I see I got to grind for my own. I know I'm only 18 years old but I got to start start over.

Crystal POV

Since Chris left everything has been different and being pregnant not making it any easier. My mom took it kinda hard when I told her I was...we didn't talk for a week. But now we are kinda on good terms. I'm five months now going on 6. I really miss my sister I can't wait until I see her again...and the worst part about is she didn't even tell us she left...


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