Universe 863

964 8 45

[ Cosmic Fury spoiler ]

[ This story takes place in a universe where similar consequences occurred just like the same universe]

[ Six years after cosmic fury ]

The woman was shouting in pain ..the entire hospital echoed through her voice . The nurse shouted “ Make the way clear .. it's an emergency case the lady is giving birth to a pre-mature baby ”

“ Amelia, Amelia we are with you ..I am right here just beside you .. please .. ami..stay with us  ” Ollie said with tears in his eyes as he was forced to let go of amelia's hand .

Doctor Ava “ You can't come in dear this is an abnormal case we need all the focus we can ..so you coming inside isn't a good idea .. please let us handle it..your wife will be alright  ”

Izzy , Javi , Aiyon , Fern ..and Ollie , Amelia's parents... were also present.

Javi said with ache in his eyes “ Don't worry Ollie we all are here .. ..I am sure that the three of you will be alright ” Aiyon “ Yes dude we all are here just stay positive ”

As they all made Ollie feel positive again they couldn't ignore the screams of Amelia .

As Amelia suffered through the pain of giving birth which was more than anyone could have ever imagined as she started giving birth to the baby one month before ...she was only 8 months pregnant...there were no words to describe her pain...but then suddenly she went numb .. she lost consciousness

Dr. Anna “ What do we do now she lost consciousness ..she won't be able to give birth ”

Dr Ava “ Then we have to do vacuum delivery ”

“ Are you crazy ..vacuum delivery of a Rafkonian women ? ”

“ There is no other choice ” 

They then begin with it and soon enough the little child was brought into the world ...

Dr . Ava “ We did it ..but wait....he is not crying ” Dr . Maya “ Check the baby properly he must be alive ...”

Dr .Anna used other instruments..but no use ...the baby's heart beat was very low .

“ We need to keep the baby in the ICU...and by that..time take care of amelia ..we can't afford losing her too ” Dr.Anna said taking the baby away .

Dr.Ava came out to meet Ollie and others waiting ..Ollie stood up “ What happened Dr. Ava ... Amelia, baby ..are both of them alright? ” Tarrick “ Dr ..my daughter how is she ? ” Dr . Ava “Mr.Akana..your Little bundle of joy has come into the world ”

A spread of positive vibes was in the room .. Everyone's eyes glew up with shine ..but It didn't last any long

“ But both the baby and mother are not responding and I can't really say anything ” Ollie “ What happened both of them made it right ? ” Dr . Ava “ It was a pre-mature delivery... mostly the mother and the child both don't survive in such cases ...well amelia lost consciousness while giving birth and we have no track of when she will gain consciousness back again ...it will be very difficult..and the baby is also very weak..if he doesn't gain consciousness in the next 6 hours ..then your baby might not survive.. ”

“ Please don't say that ” Izzy said. Ollie asked “ Well can I meet them at least ? ” Dr. Ava “ No they are both in special care  right now...after sometime I can allow you to meet Amelia.. but you can look at the baby from the glass plane of that room. ”

Everyone left to see the baby ...he could be seen lying on the ventilator covered by a visible dome ... “ Look Ollie ..He looks just like amelia but his nose looks just like yours...he will be such a sweet boy when he grows up ..” Lani said trying to cheer Ollie . “ ..yes mom ” Ollie replied in a low voice. “ Trust me everything will be ok ” Lani reassured her son.

Izzy and Fern had a heart to heart .

Fern “ Look at him ..I can't believe he is finally here ..after months of waiting ”

Izzy “ Yes that is amazing.. but the fact that Zayto is here early kinda scares me ” 

“ Don't worry I believe everything will be ok..and they made a nice decision of naming their baby boy Zayto ”

“ After all that Zayto did for us ...I don't know if anyone here would have survived if he wasn't there ..so it seems like the right decision. ”

[ 6 hours later ]

Everyone was asked to leave by now ..only Ollie , Lani , Tarrick and Santaura were there ..Dr . Ava came out now ..and she said “ Mr . Akana...it has been 6 hours now and the baby's heart beat isn't getting better it's just going down ..and amelia isn't responding too ..As far as my knowledge...both of them may not... ” Santaura “ Please Dr. do something .. we can't afford to lose them ” Ollie said with tears in his eyes “ Just name it name any medicine or any doctor in any corner of the world you want ..but please save them... they are my everything. ” “ I know that you are a well renowned scientist sir  you can make available anything that we want but I am sorry Mr. Akana no medicine or doctor can save them ”Dr . Ava said leaving them in a state of dismay.

[ 2 hours later ]

Amelia woke up with pain in almost every part of her body ...she woke up and she realised what had happened to her ..she was giving birth..and she didn't remember anything after that ..all that she knew now ..was that the baby wasn't with her..she was shocked as she saw the empty cradle beside her and started shouting.  “ Ollie... Dr .Ava ...Ollie ...where is my baby ?..where is my boy ?”

Hearing her voice they all entered in Dr . Ava,  Anna ..and even Ollie .

Dr . Ava said in a calm tone “ Don't worry Amelia your baby is there ... but he ..”

“What happened to him say something ” she didn't stop and kept demanding “ where is my baby...I want to see him ...where is he ..Ollie where is he ? ...  I want him now ! ” saying that she removed all the stick checks on her arms ..as she was trying to stand up ..but Ollie held her “ Don't worry he will be alright..He will be with us soon ” “ What do you mean by that ..what happened ?  tell me ”.

Then Dr .Maya entered with baby Zayto in her hands. Dr Ava shouted “ Why did you remove him from the ventilator? ..he needs the support..what are you...” But Dr.Maya cut in between “ He isn't alive anymore ..his heart isn't beating ”

A wave of silence went through the room and even amelia stopped crying...she and Ollie were left in a state of shock . Their reason to live and joy from the past 8 months had just vanished. Dr Maya kept the baby in the cradle beside amelia.. and as Amelia took her little baby in her hands...Ollie sensed something he sensed the aura of morphin grid... around there and heard Zayto's voice saying “ I am sure you will take good care of me ” as Ollie got out of his mind,  he helped Amelia take the baby and as they together holded their boy in their arms ..the baby started moving..and then he started crying.

Everyone in the room couldn't believe what they just saw ...the baby who wasn't alive a few minutes ago is now crying [ meaning he is alive now ] ..they felt it was a miracle and a  sense of happiness spread across the room .

“ Look Ollie... we did it ..we brought life into the world..” Amelia said with tears in her eyes ..“ No darling it was all you ...” Ollie said as he realised that it was the spirit of Zayto that came back as a mortal being again , but not in the form of himself ...he gave his soul away in the little baby ..the little Zayto ..”

[ To all who didn't understand...Zayto came by and transferred his spirit to the child of amelia and ollie as he couldn't see them sad.... well I hope you enjoyed it...there are more coming soon...so stay tuned  ...]

Love you all xD 💙❤️✨🌕

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