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My butt was writhing in pain and could barely get my thighs to grip the horse anymore. We have been riding for hours, it seemed like days. As much as I wanted to be vocal about my pain, I knew he would just probably turn it into a lesson and maybe even turn us back around. It would be another excuse to keep me locked in there. I am never ever going back there... I don't know if father still plans on taking me back after the party but I won't let him. I'll fight and even run if I have to. I've seen just a sliver of this world and I'm desperate to see more.

A blur of stone and moss caught my vision. A castle. A castle? And we are heading in that direction. What would we have any business doing in a castle? My father is just a village merchant. "Why are we in Mona?" I asked. The very little knowledge I knew about this city was that it housed the royal family and was the capital of sun region. Moon region had its own kingdom in Rever. Blake's kingdom. My stomach turned just thinking about him. The stories I've been told are nothing short of inhuman and cruel. "This is where the ball is being held." He answered nervously. I could tell he was beginning to regret his decision to let me above ground. The tapping of his fingers and toes just confirmed his anxiety. I really hope father is wrong, I really hope he is just paranoid and protective and that the world isn't a waiting death trap.

Pink, blue, yellow, and white flowers scattered throughout a perfectly maintained garden. The bushes were snipped neatly in long rectangles that shaped around the rows of reddish purple grapevines. I've had those once... they were crunchy and sweet, how I imagine candy to taste like.

Shiny metal figures lined the walls, one at every corner. Those must be the royal guards.

As we approached the incredibly beautiful entrance, the guard noticed our arrival. I couldn't keep my head still, mesmerized by the giant bridge reaching over a deep hole leading to a river below. The roaring of the waterfall spilling into the water loomed around us.

Father made a strange gesture with his hand and nodded to the guard. I couldn't see his face but his mannerisms seemed as if he was very confused. To my surprise, the tall guard began walking over to us. "Your highn-" he began but father interrupted. "This is Cyra."

A metal plate on his face flipped up and I finally saw the first human besides my father. He was handsome. He had dark skin and chiseled cheekbones.

The man analyzed me as if I were unreal. "Cyra, this is Ivan." Father introduced me. I was far too fascinated to even question how he knew a royal guard. His hand reached out and I hesitated for a second before shaking his. "I would bow but it's nearly impossible in my armor..." Ivan smiled kindly.

"Bow?" I giggled. "Why would you bow for me?"

"Cyra dear, I told you that there was a lot you don't know. I wanted to wait to explain everything to you but your so damn pushy sometimes." He gripped my arms, looking deep into my eyes, making sure I was truly listening to him.

"Let's go somewhere more secure."

What could he even be talking about? I grew anxious as Ivan and a few other guards led us through the ancient wooden doors and into the palace. Detailed engravings lined every single marble stone wall, it must've taken years to create such art... the floors were completely smooth with a intricate patterned tile for contrast. Chandeliers and candelabras littered the giant room for light. My feet began growing cold on the smooth floors.

Ivan started walking to the right, into a even bigger room with a massive chandelier hanging from the engraved ceiling. "This is the dance floor Miss. Griffith." He spun presenting the room. He knew my last name.

I've been hidden and kept secret my entire life and yet this strange man knows my last name?

Father gave Ivan a look and he continued down the hall into a room filled with floral fabrics and gold accents. The couches seemed heavenly...

"Okay darling sit down." He instructed. Painfully curious, I did exactly what he asked. Just like I thought, the couch was so soft I wanted to melt into it. "What's going on? I have so many questions?" I said. My fingers nervously fiddled with my golden locket in anticipation. "This castle... this land..." I have never seen him look so unsure in my life. "It's mine... ours."

Ours? "What do you mean? I don't understand."

He took a deep breath before continuing, "I am the king of sun region. You are the princess."

This is a joke. This is a cruel joke. "No really... what's going on?" I asked again. "I'm serious Cyra. That's why I've been so persistent on protecting you. You have a large target on your back."

My head began to spin, swirling with questions and possibilities, but mostly disbelief. I couldn't be a princess. I'm just the girl under the woods... When I finally found my voice I spoke shaky, "A target? I'm just a girl." His face saddened with pity. "Your far from 'just a girl' my darling." He cupped my cheek lovingly. "What does this mean? I don't know what's expected of me."

"Nothing is expected of you. Not yet. This is going to be a big change for you, it's why I've been putting this off. It is a lot to take in... all I expect from you is to take in everything you've learned and will learn and process it. I know your world has just been flipped upside down but please keep an open mind." He patted my shoulder comfortingly. "Why couldn't you have told me this? If not when I was young but sooner..." I asked. My emotions were all over the place as I grew mad. I've known nothing but that stupid room my whole life with the expectation of dying alone, only ever being in there. If I would have known about this it would've given me something to hold on to. "Tell me I'm wrong when I say that you wouldn't have stopped bothering me about it. Your very persistent just like your mother. When you get something in your head... there is no changing it. And I didn't think you were ready. I still don't think your quite ready but as much as you won't believe me, it hurts to see you so alone and curious about Orcora. It's a risk I have to take if that means you'll be happier."

Hearing his words struck me. As much as I was upset that he never told me about any of this... I know his intentions were pure. He always did his best to make me more comfortable in that dungy old room. I don't know much or have much to rely on so I trust my father, he is all I know. And he was a brilliant man.

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