Chapter 28 - Open Up

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3rd Person

Mike woke up and immediately turned to look at his boyfriend.

"G'morning Will.." Mike muttered, rubbing his eyes.

"You know I'm not loving these one-sided conversations, I would love if you could talk back." Mike tried to make himself laugh, but it didn't really work.

"Sorry love. That was mean." Mike mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"When you wake up.. You might be blind. Or deaf. I really hope you aren't. Maybe El can help you and everything will be okay again." Mike told Will.

He was about to say something before somebody came through the door.


"Oh-.. Uh hey, kid." Hopper grumbled.

"I'll go." Mike muttered, getting up.

Hopper gave him a half smile, and Mike left the room. Hopper went over and sat down on the chair next to Will's bed.

He sighed, and started speaking.

"I-I don't really know how to say this.. I'm not very good at apologies. But, uh, I wanted to say sorry about that day in the Wheeler's." Hopper started.

"I know that you love Mike.. And I know that I shouldn't have just come in and tried to order you around. So I'm sorry." He looked up at the small boy, but there was no sign of movement.

"Mike really needs you, Will. He's been inconsolable since you left. I don't hate him, he's a good kid." Hopper admitted.

"And, I'm sorry about just saying that I'm your dad. I know about Lonnie and I shouldn't have just stormed in and said that I'm your dad because maybe you don't even want one after him." Hopper sighed, and he sat in silence for a minute, just looking at Will.

"Your mum and brother need you aswell. Jonathan hasn't been able to come and visit because he can't leave his room. It's tearing him apart, Will. He loves you so much." Hopper sighed, knowing Jonathan wouldn't be able to come and tell this to Will.

"We all need you. You were the one that sort of held us all together. You're calm, you're kind, you're patient." Hopper rambled on, before realising he should stop.

"Right well, anyway. El is here and she misses her brother, so she is going to come and visit. See you soon, kid." Hopper sighed, and walked back out of the room.

He walked into the waiting room to see El sat nervously, tear filled eyes and a bouncing leg.

"El, you can go and see him." Hopper gave her a small nod.

She got up and went over to Will's room, her hands shaking.

She sat down next to Will and gently placed a hand over his heart.

"Will.. I can't believe I let you die." She frowned.

"You are coming back. I promise." She whispered, before holding her hand over his head.

She closed her eyes and tried to find some of Will's memories.

She opened her eyes, and she could hear faint talking.

"I-Im sorry.." Will whispered.

"For what?" Mike asked Will, before he leaned in and gently kissed Mike's lips.

Mikes eyes widended, but he kissed back, before they both pulled away.

"Y-You kissed back?" Will looked confused.

"Yeah 'cause I love you." Mike blurted out.

"I love you too.."

Eleven smiled softly at the sight, although her heart was still hurt from their breakup.

"Will you cant leave, it's raining."

Eleven turned around to see Will unlocking his bike and Mike stood next to him, looking annoyed.

"Listen I said I was sorry alright? It's q cool Campaign, it's really cool! We just, aren't in the mood right now." Mike shrugged, and Will turned around.

"Yeah Mike! That's the problem you guys are never in the mood anymore! You're ruining our party!" Will spat, his eyes glassy.

"That's just not true." Mike scowled.

"Really? Where's Dustin right now?" Will asked Mike, who just completely blanked.

"See. You don't know, and you don't care! And obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him!" Will fired.

"You're destroying everything and for what!? So you swap spit with some stupid girl?"

"It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike spat, and Will froze.

Tears formed in his eyes and Mike realised immediately.

"Listen, I'm not trying to be a jerk. But seriously what did you think? We would never get girlfriends? That were were going to sit and play games in my basement all day?" Mike spoke in an almost taunting matter.

"I did. I really did." Will's voice shook, and he got his bike and left.


They both began to fade away, and Eleven was shocked.

When did that happen?

She left the void and held and held her hand directly over Will's eyes.

She used all of her strength to get him to wake up, and she heard a slight cough.

She kept going, and soon enough she heard a loud gasp and Will's monitor was beeping.

She opened her eyes to see Will with his eyes barely open, looking around.

Eleven gasped and ran out to tell Mike, who was still in the waiting room.

"Mike!" She squealed, running over to him.

"What? Is he okay?" Mike shot up, his heart pounding.

"I woke him up."

brooooooski idk how to feel about this

{Word Count 881}

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