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[Natsuki's POV]

I slowly begin to stir awake as my alarm clock starts quietly ringing. Groaning, I sit up and rub my eyes. I glance around my dirty ass room and toss my covers off of me, my legs dangling off the side of the bed. I let out a soft sigh before standing up and turning off my alarm. As I'm up and about, I take a peak out my window. Noticing how there's no car in the driveway, I clap my hands together and quickly celebrate.

"Fuck yeah, no smelly asshole to beat the crap out of me this morning!" I walk over to my closet and take out my school uniform. I get undressed from my old worn out tee-shirt and shorts and lay out all of the layers of the uniform. "Damn this school wants us to melt during the summer.." I mumble to myself as I fasten my binder over my chest. I pull my skirt up and fix the collar of my white button up. I stand in front of my full body mirror as I finish putting my uniform on. I grab my hairbrush and do my usual routine. Two pigtails and my swooped bangs. I add my hairclip but leave the ribbons, I suppose it's time to drop those, it's been getting old wearing them everyday. But, Sayori says my hairclip is cute so I'll keep it. Of course, I could just do it because I like the way it looks, though making Sayori happy with dumb little things is kinda funny to watch.

I head downstairs and head into the kitchen. I push the shit load of beer bottles out of my way and look through the cabinets. I eventually find a box of Coco Puffs and poor a fair amount into a plastic bag. Considering I don't have unlimited time until I have to get to school I'll just have to snack on it while I walk. Once I leave the kitchen I check my bag, making sure I have everything needed for the day. Math homework, Science notes, ELA writing draft and my poem for the Literature Club. Seems like everything. I check my phone.


Oh well, time to get going. Time moves too fast, honestly. I slip my shoes on and swing my bag over my shoulders. I open the front door and step out onto the small porch. I shut the door behind me and open the bag of Coco Puffs as I begin walking to school. A few minutes pass and I've downed at least ¼ of the bag. That should be enough to hold me up for a bit, I'll just save this for later. I shove the bag into the pocket of my jacket. I continue walking, checking my phone from time to time. At one point I glance down at the sidewalk, noticing a large shadow covering mine. I narrow my eyes and slightly slow down. I keep my gaze on the sidewalk, hearing a fain giggle. That laugh's too familiar.. I know who in the hell it is when I hear that cheerful yet annoying voice. "Sayorriii..." I turn around to get immediately get jumped on by the cinnamon bun herself.

"Eheheh~ You guess it, Nats!" She cups my cheeks with her hands and gives me a warm smile. "And it's not just me, Yuri's here tooo~!" Sayori beams with excitement and she clings onto my arm and gets out of view, revealing the tall goth girl with massive tits who has every guy drooling over her but she declines all of them because she's gay for the most popular girl in school. "Yo, Yuri." I fist-bump her and gesture the two of them to continue walking.

"Natsuki." She greets me back and walks alongside Sayori and I. We all chat for a few minutes, discussing what we had done over the weekend or just small talk. "I know right, those girls wish they were like Monika. None of them can even pull! Unlike me who's the literal Queen of rizz." I smirk and glance up at Yuri, though I change my gaze over to Sayori once she begins talking. "Speaking of Monika, where is she? Did she walk to school by herself? I- is she hurt? Does she have a boyfriend that we don't know about?!" She asks a bazillion questions at once, clearly overthinking everything. "Babe, calm down, I'm sure the woman is fine." I lightly sigh and rub Sayori's back in reassurance. We both look over at Yuri who has been patiently  been waiting to speak.

"Monika has an orthodontist appointment this morning," Yuri speaks softly, gathering the rest of her thoughts. "I believe she said she would arrive at school a little after 8...And Sayori, why in the hell would Monika have a 'secret boyfriend'?" Yuri stares at Sayori, clearly wanting an answer. I slightly snicker as Sayori just shrugs and gives Yuri a cheeky grin. A few minutes pass and we arrive at the school's entrance. We hang out in the courtyard before its time to head inside. "You know, if you have to do partner work for first period you are screwed." I turn my attention to Yuri who's slightly glaring at me. "Oh, you think?" She lightly scoffs and slightly plays with a stand of her hair. "I don't think, bitch. I KNOW you're screwed. You don't like people." I snap my fingers a few times and hum. "I would've never known.." She replies with a hushed and sarcastic tone. I chuckle as the bell begins to ring. "Have fuun~" I say with a teasing tone as I drag Sayori with me into the school. "Alright dummy, you head to your first class." I glance over at Sayori who doesn't seem to budge from my arm. "But Natsukii- I don't wanna goo-" She pleads and tugs at my sleeve. "Come on, this is the one day you wake up at a reasonable hour so you should prove to your teacher you can get to shit on time!" I pull my arm out of her grip and point my finger at her. "Natsuki if you leave me I will kill myself." Sayori crosses her arms, trying to look serious. "You love me too much to do that," I look at her, my face contempt. I pat her head before I start walking away. "K love you byye." I head over to science and walk into the classroom. I sit at my desk and take out whatever I need for class.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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