cupid messed up

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Estella POV   (this is about maybe a week after last chapter 🤷🏻‍♀️)

i was on my way to Toms mom house to give her the vases i picked up some flowers as well to go with it. i park the car in they're driveway and walk up to the door knocking. some maid came up to the door and recognized me "oh Estella come on in" she says opening the door all the way "thank you" i say stepping inside.

she closes the door behind me "Mrs. Kaulitz Estella is here for you!" the maid yells. Simone comes walking out "hello dear how are you" she grets me bringing me into a hug. "im good and you?" i ask "im doing very well thanks for asking" she says smiling and sitting down on her couch.

"i got you a present" i say smiling. "these are for the actual present" i say handing her the flowers which she places them on the coffee table. "the flowers are lovely" she says admiring them. "im glad you like them" i say taking out the wrapped vases.

i hand her the first one which looked like a realistic heart that had little holes to put the flowers in. she carefully unwraps it "Estella its beautiful!" she says smiling "theres two more" i say grabbing the next one with the piano vase. she unwraps that one "geez how did i ever get so lucky" she says "last one" i say fishing for the last one that was a regular vase but had some koi fish and some waves.

"you truly are one talented artist" Simone says admiring the vases and flowers "thank you i hope you like them" i say sitting next to her and putting my head on her shoulder. she smiles at me "are you hungry i just made some garlic bread and i think i have some left over cake, red velvet your favorite" she says putting her head on top of mine.

"god i love you so much" i say nodding my head. she stands up with me following her to the kitchen. she gets me a plate "how many pieces do you want of bread" she aks "just 2 please" i say sitting down on the stool. "and a big piece or small piece of cake?" she asks grabbing the cake out "medium" i say.

Toms pov (oh no guys)

i was looking through a cabinet trying to find a certain set of paper work. Estella had gone to give my mom her gift which left me and Zoe alone. "shit where is it" i whisper to myself.

"whatcha looking for?" Zoe asks "some paper work i need" i reply "is this what your looking for" i look behind me and see Zoe holding up the folder with the papers i needed. "yes perfect thank y-" i say trying to grab the folder before Zoe smashed her lips on mine.

i try pushing her off but she held me tightly on my shirt. i finally push her off and look behind her seeing Estella starring at us tears brimming her eyes "Estella" i breath out. she runs out of the room "shit!" i yell pushing Zoe out of my way "get the fuck out of my house" i yell at Zoe before running up to our room seeing Estella grabbing down her suitcase "Birdie plea-" i say before getting interrupted by Estella.

"dont fucking call me Birdie geez!" she yells grabing some clothes "Estella i didn't kiss her!" i yell "then what the fuck was that! did you just so happen to conjoin your lips together?!" she yells zipping her suitcase.

"she kissed me trust me i tried pushing her off!" i yell "yeah yeah whatever dont call me, text me, or even try to get in contact with me!" Estella yells storming out of the room "Estella please come back and let me explain!" i yell trying to catch her but she was already out of the house.

i had tears in my eyes rolling down my face. i turn around and see Zoe with a smirk on her face "what the fuck are you still doing here i said get the fuck out!" i say dragging her outside and slamming the door on her face.

i run up the stairs calling bill. after a few rings he answers "Bill i fucked up" i say "how?" he asks "Zoe fucking kissed me and Estella thinks i kissed her and she wont let me explain" i say shaky. "ill be over soon kay?" he says "aright" i say hanging up.

Estella pov   

did i really just find my husband kissing his own worker? i guess i just did. i throw my suitcase in the trunk and get into the car pulling out of the drive way calling Dejah "yo yo" she answers "pack your bags were going to brazil" i say



(.) (.)

Give them a taste of hell / TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now