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The sounds of children filled the playground, their noisy laughter practically enveloping the place as they ran around

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The sounds of children filled the playground, their noisy laughter practically enveloping the place as they ran around.

One of the children, A boy with dark brown hair and fair skin was holding a  lego person, though it appeared the boy had not realized the head was of an actual Lego brick instead of the average plastic head.

Unknowingly to them, A small boy presumably at the age of 5 was peering through the blinds of a window across the street.

The boy had long yellow hair that was brushed and styled neatly, He was wearing a light blue coloured shirt that had white segments that were cut off nearing the shoulders of his shirt.

The brunette watched the children run around aimlessly and without a care in the world, Meanwhile he was stuck in the living room of his house practically boring himself to death.

"Mommy, Why can't I play with the children outside?" He said, His gaze through the window never faltering.

A woman with the same color of hair walked through the hallway that connected the kitchen to the living room, Her brilliant blue eyes examining the boy as though she was looking for a change in the child's posture.

The woman sighed as she moved and sat next to the boy "Dear, You know what will happen if you do. I'm only doing this to protect you" She spoke, her voice laced with a pang of remorse.

She noticed the boy's unwavering attentiveness to the children outside and thought about a way to get his mind off of things "How about this? If you help me clean up your toys then I'll get us some pizza! How does that sound?" Almost immediately did the boy's gaze at the window broke and excitement was clear in his eye.

"Ooo! Ooo! Can it be Sausage Cheese Pizza Mommy? Can it?!"

"Of course Cory, anything for you my dear."


Cory was never one for working. He knowingly went through college with one clear ambition, Get a job as a taste tester at a pastry facility.

And yet, Here he was. Stuck in a crummy job at sales. Far from what he envisioned his future to be.

He was wearing one of those office blazers that definitely did not fit with his sense of style.

He pondered his life commitments as a pile of work documents was promptly shoved straight into his unexpected hands, He'd barely been able to hold it.

"Cory, I need you to send this to the office to the left. After that, Hurry your lazy butt and deliver these other documents" The Manager said turning away without even letting Cory to pick up the pieces and process what to do.

"Yes sir!" Cory shouted and upon instinct, he placed his hand on his forehead similar to a salute. What he did not take into account was the papers he was supposed to be carrying.

The Manager, With a scowl on his face was dissatisfied with Cory's incompetence.

"You better get those documents delivered if you'd like to keep your job. Trainee."

"R-Right away sir!"

Cory, Who was now on the floor gathering the documents he had dropped hurried faster, Nearly causing every single paper to crumple in doing so.

He proceeded to race through the hallway, His mind still feeling uncooperative as he placed the documents on the table and turned back to deliver the others.

And that's how it went. Going back and forth with documents, writing and even typing out mountains upon mountains of words to just email, The whole day.

He was worried, Not about the documents, no, but about the rumors of layoffs that would be happening this week.

Cory was 89% sure that he'd get fired due to all his mishaps and failures to send in emails. Don't get him wrong, He loathed his job but that was his primary way of getting income.

Losing his job meant he'd have to go job hunting too! Which was very hard considering no company needed a little "errand boy". That's what the other workers had deemed him.

He sighed, His bright blue lens staring at the clock as it ticked. It was grueling for Cory. He wanted to latch on to the idea that maybe he'll keep his job! And that maybe-

"Hey Cory, The manager wants to speak to you"


Right then and there in the manager's office, he was promptly fired without a single word. Cory was in that company for an entire year. He wasn't sure how he'd last that long but it had to end somehow..

He sat at the concrete stairs of a nearby apartment building, Still holding the box that had all his belongings.

The blonde man sighed as he looked up to his car which already had a ticket in the windshield. Cory had already deemed today as a very bad day.

Not only did he get fired and ticketed but he was also starving! That company didn't allow second lunches! Like what company does that?!

He thought as he gently placed his belongings in the passenger seat of his car and slammed the door shut as he sat in the driver's seat.

Cory wasn't an easily irritable guy, Not at all! But with the mixture of his sudden unemployment backed up with him practically (and most likely dramatically) starving, He wasn't in a great mindset.

He failed to notice the way his entire vehicle shook at the increasing speed.

At that moment, When he had not been paying attention to the road. He found himself speeding way above the recommended speed limit and barely hitting a person that was crossing the street.

His eyes widened at the figure that coincidentally looked familiar.

And then it hit him.




This fanfiction constantly gets slight edits to chapters, Be warned that because of this; This isn't the finished product.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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