•Chapter 18•

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I don't know how I got myself roped up in this mess. I should have never listened to my girlfriend about that sketchy drug trial. She just up and left me there the minute that creepy doctor handed her that 30k check. So much for I'll love you forever and ever. Apparently, she loved the money more than me. The shit they done to me was insane and just flat out disgusting. Shut up. Now I was stuck with this stupid backseat driver in my head that thought it was okay to take over my body and mind whenever it felt like it. I remember waking up in a cage locked up like a damn dog. The doctor and her nurses would stand near by chatting away as if I didn't even exist. They were so proud of what they done to me. It was sickening.

Then I got shipped off to some random location where another creepy asshole was waiting to gawk over me like I was some kind of precious prize he had won. It wasn't until he mentioned someone else, a woman named Quinn, that had been turned into something awful such as myself that I found some kind of hope. Instead of being stuck with a bunch of crazy lunatics feasting on corpses or the quacks in the lab coats, there was actually someone else out there that could understand what I was personally going through. The minute he mentioned breeding I felt sickened. This crazy dude literally got excited at the thought of me and this woman doing the hanky-panky just so we could give him some freaky little mutant babies. Hell, I haven't even met the woman yet and he was already planning our future as mutant parents.

Once he let me loose to help aid in their search of her, I couldn't help but think it was finally my chance at freedom. The second I caught her scent I took off to find her. I didn't even care if his men followed me like loyal handlers to a crazed rabid dog. I just felt the need to find her. Instead of being greeted by her when I arrived at her location, I instead came face to face with a snarling black and white dog with blue eyes. He stared me down from the window and barked continuously at me. I could feel it crawling about in the back of my skull and clawing away trying to break out. It saw this dog, a common house pet, as a threat. Threat must be killed. I didn't want to harm the poor thing. It wasn't doing anything wrong besides protecting its owners from a dangerous monster that lurked about outside. But it didn't share the same feelings I did. It only saw the pet as something that needed to be taken care of.

I don't know why it happened. I definitely wished I could have prevented it. It had taken control again. I could hear the dog's whimpers and whines of pain from my back-row seat within my mind. I could see through my own eyes as it brutally destroyed the dog's ribs and basked in the knowledge that the dog was dying. I felt sick. When it heard the sounds of footsteps and voices, it was ready to kill more. That was until it saw her. "You." I had growled out. My voice had become so deep and animal like, it was crazy to think that it was my mouth it had come from. "I came for you." I could instantly tell by the way she had looked at the dog beneath my boot and then stared at me, that she was not happy at all. Ah, shit.

The events that unfolded after were like a blur. Now here I was trekking through the woods in pitch black darkness behind two random guys and another woman. She had decided to take the lead to help the other's maneuver their way through the dark without getting hurt or lost. Not one of them argued with her decision either. They followed closely behind her like lost puppies. One in particular made sure to make it known that she was off limits. He would constantly glance over his shoulder once in a while at me and I could see clearly the disgust and hatred that swam in those dark blue eyes of his. Each time I attempted to move further into their close-knit group to get closer to her, he would make sure to cut me off so that I wouldn't be in an arm's length of her personal bubble. Kill threat. Shut the fuck up. I wouldn't deny that I felt attracted to her, both monster and man. But it was clear there was another also vying for her as well. Kill him.

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