12. a surprise in the finals

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( a quick a/n, ill be skipping ep 8 so this chapter will be based on ep 9! )

( TW : death, mention of blood )

chapter 12. "A surprise in the finals"

 "A surprise in the finals"

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- Y/N POV -

It was late at night when I was studying for the finals tomorrow. I looked at the clock to see what was the time, It was midnight. I could hear the clock ticking as every second passed by.

'It doesn't hurt to just rest for a while...' I thought.

I rest my head on my desk with my arms around my head as a pillow. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier as I slowly closed them. Then I start to doze off.





"Otosan!" I called out to my dad as I ran to him.

"Y/n! how's first grade treating ya?" He asked with a smile.

"good! I made a lot of new friends!" I said, cheerfully.

"That good! I glad you're enjoying. Let's head home, alright? I bet your mom is making your favorite!" my dad said while clenching his fist.

"f/f? really? yay!!" (f/n = favorite food)

"heck yeah! Let's go home, we don't wanna keep your mother waiting!"



As we we're walking home, I didn't notice my dad was calling me. but when I did...

"Hey! Y/n! get out of the road!" My dad said.

I looked to my left to see a bus heading straight for me. I was too shocked to even move..

but my dad pushed me out of the way. Just for my dad to get hit by the bus.

It was like everything was going in slow-mo as the bus passed by me...



when the bus went backward. I saw my dad, lying on the ground, with blood surrounding his dead body..

I heard the people around as gasp and scream as ambulance sirens came closer and closer to where we were.

that's when I started crying. I felt every tear slowly flow down the sides of my face as I stared down at his body.

𝗛𝗔𝗟𝗙 - 𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗔𝗚𝗘 ━ 𝗦𝗔𝗜𝗞𝗜 𝗞.Where stories live. Discover now