I'm sorry, Akito

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Ena's POV:

“Ugh, Akito! Leave me alone!”

Ena shoved him out her door, hearing his sharp growl. She pushed him, hard. “I hate you!”

She heard a few more scattered words after slamming the door, and barely a second the thumping of his angry footsteps down the hall. Ena flopped onto her bed, sighing, as tears pricked at her eyes.

I hate you. Why did she keep up that stupid lie? How did they end up like this?

After a few minutes, once she was calmer, she stood and walked over to her desk. Barely thinking, she called Mizuki, and after a few moments of ringing, they answered.

“Hey, what’s up, Ena?” Mizuki greeted. “It’s only 11, you know.”

Ena sighed, and sat down on her bed. “Yea. I just… Can I talk to you about something?”

Mizuki hummed yes.

Ena: “So, um… me and Akito had a fight again.”

Mizuki: “Don’t you two always fight?”

Ena: “We argue a lot, but I mean, like… a fight.”

Mizuki: “Ah. What about?”

Ena sat back in her chair, a fresh wave of guilt washing over her. “I… don’t really know? I was just annoyed with him, he kept interrupting me, I just—“ her voice wavered. “I just lost it at him.”

Mizuki sighed into their mic. “And he lost it back?”

Ena: “Yeah.”

Mizuki: “And you feel bad?”

Ena: “Mhm. Why am I like this? It’s the same with Mafuyu, why don’t I just— why can’t I just listen? I’m just like—”
Her voice broke.
“I’m just like my dad.”

Mizuki cut in quickly. “Hey, don’t say that. You’re not.”
Ena breathed deeply, trying to regain her composure. “Um… how do I apologize to Akito?”

Mizuki giggled a little, though not with any cruelty. “There’s this word, you might not have heard it, ‘sorry’? That tends to work.”
Ena huffed. “Mizuki, I mean it! He probably… he probably doesn’t wanna talk to me now.”

“Ah. Why not a note or a letter?”
Again, Ena sighed.

Ena: “That wouldn’t feel sincere enough. I really… hate fighting with him. I want him to know that.”

Mizuki hummed in thought. “Ah! What about a gift? You’ll have an excuse to talk to him, then.”
Ena thought about it. “Yeah, but… it’s not like I can buy forgiveness, right?”

Mizuki: “Sure, but if you really struggle to get the message to him in words, won’t something like that at least show him that you mean it? And you can still talk to him.”

The artist hummed. “Um… Okay. You’re right. I’ll get him something, and try to talk to him.”

Ena huffed. When did things get like this? When they were kids, things were so easy; sometimes they’d argue, but they played together and everything was fine. Now, it felt like they barely talked aside from when they had to. Ena felt her throat shrink, and grabbed one of her plushies. “It’s hard. I know I mess up, but still…

I hope he doesn’t hate me.” She spoke in shame.

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