Apologizing to each other

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Ena hummed as she pulled the hoodie out of its paper bag and held it up. It was nice; soft fabric, good embroidery for the logo, one of Akito’s favourite brands. She would have liked to get him something better, but the sneakers he’d been eyeing were miles more expensive, and she didn’t want to go overboard. They’d fought three days ago, and though she’d bought the hoodie the day after, she’d waited to give it to him, wanting to give him some time first (not to mention her own anxiety). But today, she was going to.

Akito had come home from practice an hour ago, so he’d had plenty of time to relax and cool off. It would be fine. She neatly folded the hoodie and placed it back in its bag. Then, cautiously, she made her way down the hall to her brother’s room.

Ena knocked gently, hearing a grunt in response. She opened the door. “Um, Akito.”

Her brother sat up quickly on his bed, looking surprised. That was understandable, considering how desperately she’d been avoiding him for the last few days. “Ena.”

Hesitantly, she stepped into his room and walked to the side of his bed. “I wanted to give you this.”

She swallowed, holding out the bag. “To apologise for the other day.”

Akito took the bad and, without looking inside, chuckled a little. Panic flared in Ena’s chest. “Akito, I’m being serious! Don’t laugh at me!” Immediately, she felt guilty for snapping. “...im ..Sorry.”

Akito smiled. “No, I…” He reached over to his bedside table drawer and pulled out a smaller bag. “I got something for you, as well.”

Ena took it. “Oh.”

“I’m sorry.”

Both their voices sounded at once. Ena cocked her head. “Why are you sorry?”

Akito rubbed the back of his neck, something Ena had come to recognise as a nervous habit of his.

Akito: “For, you know… bugging you all the time. I– I know you need your space. I should respect that more.”

Ena shook her head, sitting on the edge of her brother’s bed. “No, that doesn’t mean I can yell at you! It’s me. I need to learn to control myself.”

Akito frowned. “Are you forgetting that I yelled back?”

Ena leaned forwards. “I’m the eldest, Akito. I shouldn’t be starting fights.”

“You’re barely even older, though. I’m not a kid, I still shouldn’t–”


The younger looked taken aback. Ena grabbed his hand. “Jeez, just let me have this! I’m sorry. I feel bad, I hate fighting with you. I’m sorry for yelling, I’m sorry for saying those horrible things about you. You’re my baby brother, I–”

Ena’s voice caught in her throat, and she realised she was crying. “Oh, um–”

Akito smiled, squeezing her hand. “Ena, it’s okay. I’m sorry too. For not giving you the space you need, for not helping you, and… not appreciating you.”

Ena blushed in embarrassment, averting her gaze. “Just… open your gift, idiot.”

She watched as Akito reached into the bag and slid out the hoodie. He looked at it for a moment after unfolding it, then his eyes lit up. “This is from the new collection..! WHAT THE HECK?!”

Ena watched fondly as he carefully looked over the details of the garment before pulling it on. He talked quietly to himself about how comfortable it was. she was

“I left the receipt in there… just in case you wanted to return it.”

He smiled at her. “No way!”

Ena felt warmth creep into her chest. He liked the gift, but more importantly, she’d said what she wanted to say, and he’d listened. It wasn’t easy, and maybe it wouldn’t last. But it had worked. They were both smiling, together.

Akito pushed the smaller bag towards her. “Your turn. Open it.”

Ena nodded, looking down at it. “Right.” Carefully, she pulled out the item; a sketchbook. Glancing over it, she noticed the golden printed emblem in the corner of the cover. She gasped. “Is this..?”
Unwrapping the protective plastic, she ran her fingers over the emblem. Opening the book, she felt the pages; thick, with a rough texture that made them perfect for watercolour and markers. “Akito!”
It was a brand. An expensive one. One that, despite her pleas, her father would never buy her that. saying that she wasn’t talented enough for such a high-quality sketchbook.

Ena threw her arms around her brother. “Thank you so much! I couldn't believe it.."

She pulled away, and Akito rubbed his neck. “Yeah, I… I know you’ve wanted one for ages. They were on sale, so…”

The eldest smiled. “I can’t wait to start in it tonight. I got a new palette the other day that I can try with it.. I have some concept sketches I could finish in it too.” Ena smiled genuinely as she said that.

Akito smiled. “I’m glad you like it.”
She smiled back. “I’m glad you liked yours, too.”

Ena stood. She wanted to get to work in her new sketchbook, and she didn’t want to overstay her welcome in her brother’s room. “Um, thank you.”

He nodded. “You too. And also, do me a favour and never call me your baby brother again.”

She snickered. “Sure, you baby.”

Akito groaned, but he looked amused.

Ena made her way to the door. As she walked out, she turned. “And, um, Akito? I… I’ve never hated you. Not even once.”

Akito smiled fondly at her. “Me neither, Ena.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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