Asami x Korra (Fluff)

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Omg the art is just perfect hurfhujejubvifub ;-;

Art is not mine; artist is Samanthadoodles on tumblr


Chapter Summary:

Asami and Korra come back home after a long night and cuddle :)

Written on November 20th, 2023.

✦  Published on November 22nd, 2023. 

Drunk people, meds (none of it is used negatively)


3rd Person POV: 

Korra and Asami had been dating for quite a while now. Ever since They had been through so much together, through times of happiness and times of sadness, through struggles and joys, they were always there for each other. 

Today  Asami and Korra were planning on going to dinner with Varrick and Zhu Li at 5 pm to plan out some new inventions and then they would all go back home. Long story short that didn't happen, after dinner the four of them went to a bar and Korra ended up getting wasted, and even Asami was a bit tipsy. Varrick was out of his mind drunk and Zhu Li was her usual composed self, sighing with a slight smile while carrying him lumberjack style on her shoulder while he laughed and snorted uncontrollably at nothing in particular. Korra and Asami waved Zhu Li and Varrick off, and then they went to wait for a taxi. Korra was leaning on Asami's shoulder out of exhaustion and being totally drunk. Asami looked down at Korra, and Korra looked up at her. Asami quickly looked away and now had a light blush dusting her beautiful face. 

"What are you blushing for, 'Sami Sato?", Korra said with her signature smirk and a slight slur, since she was very drunk. She then started giggling, while Asami's face went bright red. "Behave yourself Korra, we're out in public. There's gonna be news articles about you being drunk, and we can't have your reputation tarnished", Asami said. Just then, the taxi arrived, and they both got into the car. 

"6288 Hono Drive, please."

"Got it, ma'am."

During the car ride, Korra fell asleep on Asami's lap, which made Asami chuckle and start stroking Korra's hair gently, as to not wake her. 

She looks so beautiful and peaceful, Asami thought while looking down at Korra. As she stroked Korra's soft, sleek hair, she started thinking about her. About how much they had grown up over the years, about their first trip to the spirit world, their first kiss, their first time making love. She was very thankful that Korra was always there for her, to cheer her up, help her out, comfort her, and just be there when she needed someone with her. She loved the way Korra's eyes sparkled when she was excited, the way her hair blew in the wind, the way she was so dedicated to helping people. She loved her so much, and she knew that Korra felt the same way about her. She was so glad that she had been able to start a relationship with this beautiful woman, and she never wanted to leave her. As she was thinking about all of this, Korra muttered something while dreaming. 


"Hey babe, what's up?", said Asami with a small smile. She placed a small kiss on her forehead, causing Korra to smile slightly in her sleep. Asami then continued to stroke her hair with one hand, and in the other she held Korra's hand and rubbed small circles on it. Her hands felt strong, with calluses and scars, but still very comforting. Her hands were just one thing about Korra's physical body that showed how much she had worked hard to get to where she was. Every scar, every callus, every burn mark, every strong muscle showed her journey to get to be how powerful and wonderful she was. 

Time Skip~

The taxi had pulled up to the Sato Mansion gate, where Asami told the driver that he could just drop them off there. Asami gently woke up Korra, and helped her out of the car. Asami went and got some water and medicine for Korra, and then they walked inside of the house and into their shared bedroom. At this point, both of them had sobered up considerably, and were definitely ready for bed. They got undressed and got into bed, Asami with just an oversized t-shirt and some shorts, and Korra just with a shirt and her boxers. They then got into their shared bed. 

"Did you have fun tonight dear?", Asami said sleepily while rubbing small circles on Korra's thigh. Most of the time, Korra was the big spoon and Asami was the little spoon, but this time they decided to switch. Asami's arms were wrapped over Korra, hugging her tight with one and the other one on her outer thigh. 

"Yeah, thanks for asking 'Sami.. but next time I better not get so drunk," Korra said truthfully. 

"Mmm, good idea.. speaking of, let me grab you the water and medicine to make sure you aren't really hungover in the morning." Asami then got off of Korra, but not before planting a small kiss on her head. Korra giggled sleepily at that, with a grin on her face. Asami sat up to go and grab the medicine bottle and the water bottle for Korra, and got up off of the bed with a small grunt and got it for her. She stood next to the bed, opening the medicine bottle and getting two tablets. 

"Sit up baby," said Asami in a soft voice, looking down lovingly at Korra. Korra jokingly groaned loudly, but then sat up. Asami handed her the meds and water, and Korra took them and then passed the bottle back to Asami. Then Asami went to lay back in bed with Korra, and they continued cuddling. 

"How come I got the most amazing, kind, caring, badass, genius, beautiful, majestic, and seexy girlfriend?" Korra asked Asami, drawling out the word sexy as she stroked Asami's face, looking into her beautiful emerald eyes with hearts in her eyes. 

"By being the most strong, loving, determined, considerate, marvelous, passionate, romantic, seductive and sensual person I will ever meet." said Asami, chuckling slightly and smiling at Korra, gently tracing Korra's lips with her fingers, and then leaning in for a soft kiss. Korra leaned in and grabbed Asami's face gently, kissing her with tender passion, loving every single second she got to spend connected at the lips with Asami, making her feel whole. They parted from the kiss and giggled sleepily, and got into a cuddling position once again, with Korra's strong arms wrapping around Asami's body, both of them at rest at last. 


Thank you for reading, I would really appreciate if you voted and gave your opinions, critiques,  suggestions, and ideas for these stories! I really hope you enjoyed this and that it made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside just like it did for me. Have a good rest of your morning/afternoon/evening :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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