Chapter 29 - Deaf

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3rd Person

"I woke him up." Eleven breathed out, her smile wide.

"S-Seriously?" Mike whispered, and Eleven nodded.

He gave her a big hug, and ran into Will's room.

Will was looking down at the wires in his arm and didn't even realize Mike had walked in.

Mike felt himself tearing up, and he walked over to Will gently. He sat down on the chair, and Will still hadn't looked up at him.

"Will." Mike whispered, but he didn't look up.

Mike found this strange, so he spoke a bit louder.

"Will." He spoke up, but nothing.

Is he mad at me? - Mike panicked.

"Will!" Mike shouted, but nothing.

He touched Will's hand gently, and Will flinched, and looked up at Mike.

"Mike?" Will whispered, tearing up.

Mike burst into tears and gave Will a massive hug, digging his head into Will's chest.

"I thought I lost you.. I did loose you." Mike cried into Will's chest.

"Why aren't you speaking?" Will looked down at Mike.

Mike instantly shot his head up, feeling fear rise in his chest.

"Will, I am speaking?" Mike looked at the smaller boy, and Will frowned.

"Mike, speak louder. I can't hear you." Will tried to move his head towards his boyfriend.

Mike new what had happened, and didn't know how to tell Will.

"For fuck sake." Mike put his head in his hands, tears still streaming down his face.

"Mike why won't you speak?" Will whispered, his eyes watering.

Mike looked up at his boyfriend, and let out a shakey sigh. He gave Will a small kiss on the forehead and held up one finger before quickly leaving the room.

Both El and Hopper stood up when they saw Mike, both if them worrying as they saw the tears down Mike's face.

"Mike what's wrong?" El frowned.

"He's deaf." Mike told them both, trying to wipe away the constant stream of tears pouring down his face.

"What the fuck do you mean he's deaf?" Hopper looked down at Mike.

"I mean he's deaf. He can't hear anything." Mike looked up at Hopper, trying not to cry.

"Wh-.. How do we fix it?" Hopper looked down at Eleven.

"I-I don't know." She looked down.

"Hearing aids is probably the only option." Mike told him, and Hopper groaned.

"I'm gonna call everybody and tell them Will is awake, you both can go and see him." Mike told them, and they both nodded.

(Everybody arrives at the hospital)

Everybody was in the waiting room sat on the seats, waiting for Mike to let them in.

Hopper and El both went over to the Byers house to get Will some of his things since they had already saw him, so it was only Mike in the hospital who knew about Will being deaf.

"Uh, you can all go and see him b-" Mike was cut off by everybody going into Will's room to see him.

Mike groaned and followed them in, not being able to see Will.

The noise in his room was ridiculous, there was about 5 people all talking at once, and Will looked happy to see everybody, but he looked frightened at the same time.

He saw Mike pushing through everybody to get to him, and he turned to him.

"I-Is this a joke? Why is nobody speaking?" Will panicked, and everybody went quiet.

Mike wrote something on a piece of paper that he had found in his pocket, and Will started crying.

"What happened?" Joyce stormed over to them and read the note.

'ᴡɪʟʟ, ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ɢᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴇᴀғ.'

"Mike.. Please tell me you're joking." Joyce whispered, which made everybody concerned.


"What happened?"

"Is he okay?"

"Why is he crying?"

"He's gone deaf." Mike shouted over all of the questions.

The room fell silent, and Will looked around and everybody's solemn faces.

"W-What happened?" He whispered, and Mike gently touched his hands.

"Nothing, it's okay." Mike gave him a small smile.

Will didn't hear what Mike said, but his small smile made it easier for him to calm down.

He nodded slowly and Joyce walked over to him.

"Will, can you not hear anything at all?" She asked him, but he just stared at her blankly.

"I-I don't know what you're saying.." He whispered, looking away.

Joyce sighed and turned around, and began speaking.

"I think we should let him rest for a while." She muttered, getting up.

Everybody nodded and began walking out, which caused Will to panic.

He turned to Mike who hadn't left his side.

"Why are they leaving?" He looked at his boyfriend with tears in his eyes.

"You need to rest." Mike connected Will's hand with his own, and Will was able to read his lips.

"No, No I'm okay." He tried, and Mike have him a disapproving look.

"Will. No you are not." Mike gave his casts a small tap, and Will felt the vibration and looked down.

He teared up and looked away, not wanting to be seen like this.

"Will, you don't need to be embarrassed." Mike spoke gently, before remembering Will couldn't hear him.

"He can't even hear me." Mike realized, and he sighed.

He tapped Will's arm gently, and he turned his head slightly.

Mike gave Will a small kiss on the forehead, and Will went red.

"This is embarrassing.." Will muttered, not able to hide his face.

Mike chuckled and gave him another kiss on the cheek, and he got his paper and pen.

'ɪ ᴀᴍ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀsᴋ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ☺︎'

Will nodded and Mike got up, leaving the room.

He walked out into the waiting room where El was sat with everybody, and he walked up to her.

"El, can I talk to you?"

how depressing.. silly willy is DEAF

{Word Count: 974}

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