One Dance

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(Hi my darlings! I just wanna say im sorry if the chapters are very long but i promise, they get more and more interesting!🫶🫶)


"You have to choose Yunjin, don't be trying to have every woman in the world!" Karina said with her hands on her waist, waiting for an answer.

"God, why do you still disturb me?"

"You left me to go after secretaries and strippers?
Is that right?"

"Watch your mouth, I assure you that I am much better than you!" Chaewon said angrily.

"If you couldn't handle it, it's because you weren't good enough!" Anna said, always sassy.

What the hell did she have to do with my life? After everything she still had the audacity to want to dictate with who I should or shouldn't date. This couldn't be real, picture it with me: You are sitting at a table where in front of you there's your ex and two women that made you lose your mind. It was at least crazy, the three waiting for the answer that you wouldn't know how to give. Chaewon, Karina or Anna?

Who would you choose?

"Please, no one can talk with the three of you like this!" I raged, getting up from my chair. "Who the hell gave them permission to come here to demand me an answer?"

The three stood quiet, between fiery gazes from one to another. I could laugh at that situation if it wasn't so tragic.

"I'm waiting for you to send the other two away!"

Karina's angry tone grew stronger.

"I want you to leave!"

The women looked at me without understanding to which I was referring.

"Karina, please. We have nothing anymore, I don't even know why you came after me!"

In perfect harmony Chaewon and Anna opened a triumphant smile, leaving me breathless, dammit.

"Is that really what you want? Send away the only woman who gives you value?"

Holy irony of life, Karina had been the woman who maddened me the most, in the good and bad sense of the thing, but of course, until I returned to Seoul and met the two beautiful girls who remained silent.

"Value?" I laughed ironically "You were a mistake in my life, now, please, leave."

If Karina had the power to kill me with only her gaze, most certainly I would no longer inhabit this earth. Her gaze was of pure hate and anger, which simply didn't affect me at all, Karina today didn't mean even 1% of what she used to mean one day.
The woman took her eyes off me, staring at Chaewon and Anna who were around her. Not even at that moment was Anna without her mask, would I ever see her face? Would I ever know who she really was?

"Don't even dare to regret this, Yunjin!" Karina said, leaving the room and slamming the door shut.

I sat again on my chair, closing my eyes and trying to relax for a few minutes from all that stress.

When I felt two hands going down on either side of my shoulders, making a delightful massage.

"This is really good..." I said, letting my body relax before those soft hands.

"This is how to take care of you." I heard Chaewon's voice, so sweet and smooth, making me smile satisfied.

"I know exactly what you like." Now the voice was more raspy, sensual. I felt the hot breath near my neck, causing a shiver down my spine.

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