The Payback (pt2)

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The end of this chapter contains some mature content, please skip if you feel uncomfortable with it.


I was more than tired of waiting. After nearly ten phone calls to Yunjin's phone, I decided to go in and see her. And to my surprise, she had given strict orders prohibiting my entrance into her office. She probably wanted more time to be alone with her useless little secretary. Sassy girl Yunjin had barely arrived and she was already seducing the heiress of the Huh empire. Smart, however I was much more.

I waited for Yunjin for hours in front of that building, sooner or later she would have to come out of there.


It was night, I was practically falling asleep on the steering wheel and nothing of Yunjin. I lowered my head again until I heard the noise of the gate opening. A thread of hope was cut when I saw the bitch that Yunjin has been drooling over lately.
After knowing that she had taken Chaewon to her parent's house where I had never been, my anger for the girl increased.

The same walked towards a white car that was parked across the street. Did she make plans at this hour?

I watched attentively what the woman did, and as she approached the car, none other than Nakamura Kazuha came closer. Wait, Kazuha and Chaewon were going out?

She was really a slut, she was going out with the two best friends? Did Yunjin know about this?

I looked at the huge building and saw no sign of Yunjin. I returned my attention to Kazuha and Chaewon who were hugged like a couple. Kazuha, always a player and gentle, she opened the car door to the insolent who entered smiling.

No one would deny that Kazuha was the owner of divine beauty. I even had interest in her as soon as
Yunjin introduced us. But Kazuha and Yunjin were like hand in glove, those two always knew each other's secrets, and Kazuha would never betray Yunjin's trust like that. So the chances of getting involved with her were summed to zero.

The two left in the car towards the south. Romantic dates, what did Yunjin think about that? If she even knew...

I decided to wait a little longer until the huge gate opened again, and now Yunjin's unmistakable car left. I didn't understand Yunjin's passion for black cars, but one thing was certain, that color matched perfectly with her.

I quickly started the car and followed Yunjin. That was the perfect time to follow her to her house.

The way was being too long, Yunjin was in the busiest part of Seoul. It wasn't possible that she would live in such busy places. I kept following her until her car signaled that she was going to stop.

Yunjin parked the car in front of a huge building, illuminated by a big neon sign with the word
"Imperium" on it.

Wait, Yunjin wasn't the type of woman who frequented nightclubs, and that seemed to be one of the biggest here. What was happening? I stopped the car on the other side of the street, thinking about the idea that maybe it wasn't Yunjin in that car. But it was confirmed when I saw her get out of it.

What was she doing there?

I thought about going in and seeing what she would do. But I knew that I shouldn't, I was too smart for that. I stood there watching her until she entered that place.

Oh Yunjin, I surely would find out what you were doing there.


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