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I am probably the only student with a key to her professor's house.

There is nothing creepy about it since the said key was given to me by Professor Rossi himself when I started dating his son two years ago. He would always be the one answering the door when I came to meet Blake. The act started to grow tiring on him such that he refused to do it anymore and instead made me a copy of the key to come over whenever I wanted to.

The said key is going to be the reason my relationship ends with his son.

As the lock clicks, I push the door open cautiously, familiar with the creak it has the habit of making. The adjoining hall room of the Scandinavian duplex apartment is dimmed in darkness as the lights aren't hit on yet and the sun has just gone down.

I step inside the cozy home that has become known to me since I started dating Blake Rossi. It always smells of something fruity. Blake and his Dad are the only ones who live here. There is no sign of Blake's Mom who disappeared from their lives years ago, more passionate about her acting career than her baby son.

The space has a manly presence, devoid of any feminine touch. I smile to myself, excited at the thought of surprising Blake.

He didn't come to college today and texted me that he wasn't well. I, like the good girlfriend I am, plan to take care of him till he gets better.

I stalk toward the staircase which leads to the upper floor where Blake's room is, passing the walls where photographs of Blake's childhood with his father are fixed in an ascending manner. The last one at the top of the wooden stairs was taken a while ago when our football team in college won the game against The Wolves and Blake was announced the player of the match. It is a photograph of him holding the trophy as dark blond strands of hair fall over his eyes, his smile bright and his blue eyes shining with pride.

I reach the first floor, happily sprinting toward Blake's door when a sound from inside makes me halt before I can throw the door open.

Moans meet my ears, followed by the familiar grunting of someone I am used to hearing. There is a rocking sound, the female moan growing louder as I stay outside, my feet glued to the floor.

My stomach aches as dread fills my heart. Not again. He couldn't be doing this to me again.

He promised he wouldn't.

The last time had been a mistake, a genuine one he had explained. His friends had gotten him drunk enough that he didn't know who he was fucking and had thought it was me. It had happened at a frat party.

This isn't a frat party.

Grinding my teeth as anger rages through my nerves, I throw the door open to Blake's room, the sight that greets me a proof of his infidelity.

He glances from over the shoulder of the brunette who is riding him. He is under her, his white shirt unbuttoned and his pants still on but I didn't need to get closer to see what is pleasuring her that much. The girl is naked, her face known to me as that of Amelia Miller who is the head cheerleader — one who did everything to kick me out of the team when I started dating the star player. She succeeded after much effort and with the help of her brother who does her bidding now and then.

She rides him and Blake's expression goes pale when he meets my gaze.

"Fuck you!" I yell, lifting the middle fingers of both hands to show Blake how done I am with his shit.

"Anya, wait!"

I don't wait to hear his explanation this time as Amelia's moans finally cut off and I storm out of the room. Footsteps tread behind me, hurried to catch up while I rush down the stairs, unshed tears building in my eyes.

Half Of My Heart | 18+Where stories live. Discover now