Prologue - The Mission

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Emma was sitting in the car, watching as they drove towards a run down town that was in the middle of the Nevada dessert. She had been briefed and knew what her mission was.

This was a simple routine mission, something she had been on many times before. But for some reason, something was telling her, this wasn't going to go as planned.


Looking up from her legs, finding the car had stopped, and the other guys had jumped out already, that Stones was talking to her.

"Do me a favour" He started.


"Don't go in the build. I want you up on the top of the other one"

"But.." She started.

"No. My orders. I'm changing them. You are up on the building"

Emma nodded, letting him know she understood.

She got out the car, walking over to the group that had circled. It was dark, but they could see the abandoned town there in the valley.

"Right, you all know your jobs. In. Out. Apprehend the suspects and obtain the containers" Walker said.

Emma looked once more at Stones, finding him looking back at her.

"Let's go" He said.

Jackson paused for a second, looking at her, before turning and following Walker to the other side of the town, while Emma slowly headed towards the tallest building there. She headed to the side, climbing the fire escape on the building. Settling herself on the top and looking around the place, that looked like a ghost town.

"Everyone in position?" Walker asked.

They all started saying yes, including Emma. Knowing she had disobeyed orders, by not going into the building on the other end of the town. About to consider going there and not listening to Stones. When movement caught her attention, looking down her scope, she noticed someone in the building she had been assigned too.

"I've got movement in the end building" Emma said.

"I thought I told you to go there?" Walker barked.

She had no excuse not to tell the truth.

About to reply.

"I reassigned her location Walker. We both know she has the best eye for a shot"

"Where are you?"

Before Emma could answer, shots were quickly fired around on the ground. She quickly started checking through the scope, finding that her team were being fired at from locations she couldn't see.

Then there was an explosion.

"What's going on?" Emma asked through her radio.

But there was no reply.

She looked again, this time, finding a few of the guys they were chasing, and she opened the fire. Only for someone to fire back to her. Emma quickly ducked behind the wall, as the shots were rapid.

"Emma, get out of there" Stone's quickly said through her ear.

Emma didn't wait, she quickly crawled her way along the roof, and heading to the stairs, where she hurried down them.

"Get back to the car" He barked.

"What about you?"

"Never mind the team. Get out of here" He ordered.

And she started running across the sand, heading in the direction of where they left the cars. But before she got there, shots were fired.

Emma knew nothing after that.

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