Chapter Five - Ghosts

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Emma found that it was almost six in the morning. She hadn't slept the whole evening, and knew she needed coffee. Quietly heading out of the room, she placed the knives on the kitchen unit, before picking one back up and putting it into her jeans pocket. She grabbed her card and headed out of the apartment. She knew she wasn't supposed to, but she had to get out, she had to get air.

She was going insane.

The coffee from Starbucks was the best, she loved it.

After finishing her first one, she grabbed a second one to go, before turning and heading out of the building, as the place was beginning to get busy. She walked along the busy street, people were starting to go to work, cars were driving on by.

The Stark Tower was only just in front of her. She was lucky there was a coffee shop almost right underneath, meaning she did not have far to go.

Pausing at the bottom, she looked up at the vast building, still impressed with the whole thing. But before she headed inside, she got the feeling someone was watching her.

Emma brought her eyes back to the street, slowly looking around.

When she looked across the street, she couldn't believe who she was looking at.

The coffee cup slipped from her fingers, as he stood there staring back at her.

No way.

It couldn't be.

A bus drove in front of them, causing her to lose sight of them across the street. When it had passed, within seconds, he was no longer standing there. He was no longer anywhere.

She started pushing by people, looking frantically around for him.

But no matter where she looked.

She found nothing.

It took Emma a few minutes to compose herself, but she put her hand into her pocket, to find the card, to let herself back into the building, finding there was a piece of paper there.

Quickly she took it out of her pocket, and read it.

Meet me at the park, at the elephant fountain.

Again, she quickly looked around.

She was tempted to run there now, to find him, to show herself that she wasn't imagining all of this, that it wasn't some nightmare. But her head was screaming at her, not to go there, to get inside and talk to Clint.


In the end, she decided to quickly go to Central Park alone. She knew with everything in her body, that this wasn't a good idea. Pausing at the gate, almost tempted not to do this. But she pushed on, heading around to where the fountain was, that had the elephants in the centre.

Emma stood there, looking around, waiting to see him walking towards her.

When a hand quickly grabbed her by the elbow.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He frantically whispered.

She looked up, finding it was her brother.

She was a little speechless to begin with, knowing she was about to be in trouble for leaving the building in the first place. But not to mention the first he happened to be there as well.

"I was...." She started, looking up, finding Steve coming towards them as well, shaking his head.


That was all he said, she looked back and forth from them, wondering what was going on.

"Not here" Clint stated, before she could even ask anything.

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