Chapter 5

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Lexi's POV


What do you wear when your about to meet the 5 most famous

boys of this generation? I probably should of looked them up so I had some information about them. Watch me totally screw this up. I finally decided on a black t-shirt with a grey lightning bolt, medium wash denim shorts, and I complete the outfit with black Nike's with grey swishes. I put on some grey eye shadow with black eyeliner. I put on some light foundation and finish my make-up with light pink lip stick. I grab my purse and iPhone and walk over to Eleanor's.

"Hey," I say as she opens her door.

"Hey. You excited?"

"Kind of. Are you ready?"

"Yea," she replies as she grabs her purse and iphone and we head to her car. Which is of course a Mercedes. Why do I have to be friends with the richest person in the neighborhood?

"Ok so I'll give you some information about the boys so your not totally lost," Eleanor offers. "There are five boys in the band. Louis,my boyfriend, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry. They are all around your age. Louis is the oldest, Harry is the youngest. They met on the X-Factor when Simon Cowell, yes the Simon Cowell, thought they would work good together and made One Direction. The rest is history. O, Zayn and Liam have girlfriends. You know just incase you like one of the boys."


"Hey the boys are cute and around our age. You never know! I would love for you to date one of them. We could double date and cry together when they're on tour. It would be perfect!" she exclaimed.

"I haven't dated anyone ever! You are the second friend I have ever had! You are high if you think I'll be dating anyone anytime soon."

"You never know, it could be love at first sight. It was for Louis and I."

"Really? How did you guys meet?"I asked.

"Harry introduced us. I used to work with him and he thought we would be good together, so he it introduced us and like I said it was love at first sight. "

"That's magical. I wish that it will happen to me but it's a one in a million chance. And no way will it happen with one of the boys in the band."

"Never say never!" Eleanor says as she turns on the radio and Cups from Pitch Perfect is on.

"Lezibohonest!" We both shout at the same time. We laugh really hard thinking of how fun watching that movie was the night before. We then get to the stadium

and park. We walk to one of the back doors and someone comes out with our passes.

"ELEANOR!" a brown hair boy, I'm assuming Louis runs up to her and gives her a big hug and kiss.

"Hey Lou! I misses you so much!" Eleanor responded while giving him another kiss. "This is Lexi. Lexi this is Louis."

"Nice to meet you Lexi!" Louis says very enthusiastically. "Let'a go inside and I'll introduce you to the rest of the boys."

"Nice to meet you to and thanks!" Louis leads us to the back of the stage and into a dressing room. When we walk into the dressing room I see 3 boys. Eleanor'a right they are cute, but none I would date.

"Hey guys this is Lexi," Louis introduced. "Lexi this is Zayn, Liam, and Harry. Guys where is Niall?"

"He was hungry so he ran to Nandos," the one Louis introduced as Liam explained. Everyone else laughed, was it a joke? I don't get it.

"Fine, I'll have to introduce him to Lexi when he gets back. He is at least getting me something right? I'm starving."

"He will be when I text him right now and tell him to," Zayn said as he took out his phone and texted Niall.

"Thanks Zayn. So know that we have all this time to waste before we can rehearse... what should we do?" Louis asked.

"Niall left like 30 minutes ago so it shouldn't be much longer before he's back so not anything to long," Harry interjected.

"Umm... Let's just ask each other questions since Lexi doesn't know us," Liam reasoned.

"Sounds good to me, I'll start," Louis offered. "Lexi, how did you meet my my beautiful girlfriend?"

"Well, she moved in next door so I took her cookies, and we hit it off so we started hanging out," I answered.

"Ok Lexi your turn to ask a question," Eleanor explained.

"K,umm Harry. How do you get your curls so perfect?" I asked.

"It's all in the shampoo and conditioner babe," Harry answered with a wink. Ok he's obviously the flirt. "Zayn, what is the worst prank you ever played on someone?"

"Well when I was in high school, my math teacher would always do this face that he called the squirrel face. So one day I went into his room early and put pictures of squirrels and stuffed animal squirrels everywhere. It was hilarious!" Zayn replied.

We hear a door open from the back. A few seconds later a blonde boy walks in with a box full of food.

"Niall this Lexi, Lexi this is Niall,"

Louis introduces.

Oh. My. God. Eleanor is right. Niall is so cute and perfect and I'm defiantly attracted to him. What am I gonna do?!



Hi guys! Here's chapter 5! Since you guys didn't give me ANY feedback, I had to make a decision myself so I did. I decided to post every other day and make them longer, so that's why I didn't update yesterday. My instagram is @i_luv_boobear and if you follow and comment that your reading my story I will follow you back and be your best friend! So Plz comment I really want your feedback!!!







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