So, I'm about to tell you a story, about a poor girl named Lily and her poor family . . . Mostly Lily.
So one day, on Lily's 11th birthday, her mother gives her a creepy looking rag doll with black buttons for eyes. Now, Lily just thought that it was some doll from a garage sale her mother bought because she thought the pink frilly dress on it was cute, or the dark black color of its hair, well whatever the reason, Lily didn’t care, she didn’t like it, and so, she threw her into a pile of clothes in the corner of her room.
A couple of hours later, while Lily was playing with her other dolls, she felt the air in her large purple room go feelingly cold, and she also heard a high pitched, girly voice that she could not ignore. She followed the sound and saw her new doll staring at her lying on top of the pile of clothes, the doll was singing;
"I'm Holly the dolly, and I'm going to kill you in 5 days!" It sang over and over again. Lily was terrified and screamed out for her mother.
"What is it? What's wrong?" She demanded throwing open her daughter’s bedroom door half expecting to see an as murderer hiding in her daughters closet.
Lily looked fearfully (is that a real word? Lol) at her doll lying on the pile of clothes, and was surprised to see that the cold air had gone away, and the doll had stopped chanting its horrible chorus.
Lily sighed and shook her head. Had she imagined it? Was she crazy? These are just a couple of examples of the billions of question’s surging through Lily’s head.
After that little “experience” Lily tried to get rid of the doll. Giving it away, throwing it out the window, putting it in the garbage, burning it, Lily tried all these things and more, but the doll just kept coming back. Lily didn’t know how, or why, but she certainly knew that she didn’t want the doll she was afraid of being left alone in the room with “Holly”, every night she would crawl into bed with her older sister, brother, or parents just to help block out the horrible chanting that was playing over and over in her mind.
On the third day, Lily felt the warm air of August, turn suddenly bone chilling. She shivered and rubbed her arms, trying to warm them. And then again, Lily heard the high girly voice that she so feared.
“I’m Holly the Dolly, and I’m going to kill you, in 2 days!” She sang in the same disturbing tone over, and over again.
“I’m Holly th-!” The doll was cut off by Lily slamming the door and running out of the house, to somewhere, anywhere but that wretched house! She ran and ran, until she couldn’t run anymore, and found herself near the entrance to the woods. Lily took a few calming breaths and turned around and carefully walked back the way she came.
On the fifth day, Lily couldn’t find the horrible rag doll. She was in her room tearing it apart to find that doll and flush it down the toilet. She searched for an hour, and then suddenly, that voice.
“I’m Holly the Dolly and I’m going to kill your brother!” Th voice sang. Lily spun around and looked frantically for the doll.
“NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed running to out of her room towards her brothers. She threw open the door and there, dead, lying on the ground was her poor little brother Christopher. Lily felt hot tears forming in her eyes. NO!
“I’m Holly the Dolly and I’m going to kill your sister!” The voice sang again. Lily sprang out of the room so fast she couldn’t see anything until she opened the door to see her poor sister lying on her bed, with blood on her chest, which was not moving. She. Was. Dead.
“I’m Holly the Dolly and I’m going to kill your parents!” The voice sang once again. Having given up any hope, Lily crawled into the corner of her sisters room and sat there, mourning her poor family, crying her eyes out until she heard that HORRIBLE, DESTRUCTIVE, MENACING, girly voice.
“I’m Holly the Dolly and I’m getting closer!” The voice taunted.
The last thing Lily saw was a rag doll with a broken heart, holding a knife to her neck, and then It. All. Went . . . . . BLACK!
So . . . What did you think? Get your blood pumping? Is it creepy? Is it scary? Is it sad? Is it retarded? PLEASE TELL ME I MUST KNOW THESE THINGS!!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, I tried making it longer than the actual version (trust me it was WAY shorter than this)
So, if you don’t mind, it won’t kill you! (But I will if you don’t!) PLEASE!! ^_^
--Erin <3 ^_^
Holly The Dolly
HorrorLily has received a creepy looking rag doll for her 11th birthday. In this horrific short tale . . . . Not much happens . . . LOL Unless you find out!