Episode Guide (Season 1)

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Episode 1: Part I New Beginnings

The episode opens with the turtles having fun, doing parkour on rooftops and they meet their friend, April O'Neil, showing that she already knows them and when they return to the sewer, we meet Master Splinter. He becomes annoyed with their noise as they interrupted his training so he disciplines them and gives them a lecture about balance and how they're all special in their own ways. When they're at home, we get to see how the turtles interact with each other in their daily lives, Leonardo being the responsible one who tries to keep his brothers in line, Raphael being the headstrong, hot headed one who challenges every decision Leo makes, Donatello is the intellectual one, thinking most logically and it would be fun to give him a Sheldon Cooper like personality and he annoys Raph to death, Michaelangelo is the fun, goofy one who always makes jokes and annoys Donnie to death, always calling him "Don". The subplot involves April doing her job as a freelance reporter to pay for her university tuition. She is doing an unauthorized investigation on Baxter Stockman as she doesn't think he's the man he says and she sneaks into his building, Stockgen, finding a secret elevator and stumbling upon a room full of tiny robots being built and April gets discovered by Baxter Stockman himself. The brothers then do their nightly patrol and see the Purple Dragons, raiding an armored car, causing the brothers to fight them, showcasing their fighting styles and skills. They eventually beat them but Donnie gets a call from April, telling him that she's being held captive by Baxter, the episode ending on that cliffhanger.

Episode 2: Part II MOUSERS ATTACK!
The episode opens with the turtles tracking down April's location on Donnie's tPhone, stopping at Stockgen. They sneak in through a hatch on the ground, with Donnie fanboying over the fact that he's at THE Stockgen, with Raph smacking him upside the head, telling him to snap out of it. They keep walking until they enter a large, underground workshop where many tiny robots are being built. They all stare flabbergasted until Leo notices April and they try to break her out but they realize that she's just a hologram and Baxter Stockman talks to them from a large computer screen. He tells them that April's safe with him and that they are trespassing on private property, which means that they must be disposed of, sucking a battalion of robots on them which he calls, Mousers. The turtles fight the Mousers, but soon realize they are outnumbered as every time they destroy one, ten more appear. Donnie spots April with Baxter Stockman and his assistant, Cindey in a panel above them and he finds his way up there, confronting Baxter and Cindey, telling them to let April go. Stockman then unleashes a giant Mouser to kill Donnie, but he finds a way to destroy it and subdues Stockman, pressing a kill switch which shuts down all the Mousers. Baxter unfortunately gets away with Cindey, but the turtles are just glad that they saved April. The episode ends with Baxter showing Cindey blueprints for a mech-suit, saying that he's not done with the turtles just yet, ending the episode.

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