«Chapter one| Sarah»

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2 months earlier

I'm sitting on my bed when my boyfriend Eric comes into the room. He looks suspicious but it's probably nothing.

Well I was wrong. He locks the door and then comes near me and puts a gag in my mouth. Then he ties my hands above my head and starts unclothing me. What the fuck is he doing?

He starts recording me while he undresses me. He then sets his phone on a chair he dragged closer to the bed. Then he starts forcing himself inside me. Why is he doing this? He starts going faster and faster and it hurts like fuck. He groans, he moans and he releases. I can't believe this bastard didn't even put a condom on and I'm not on birth control because I didn't plan to lose my virginity this soon nor like this.

Then like if he had done nothing wrong he just rolls me to my side and he cuddles me from behind and I'm still with the gag and with my hands tied. After a while he actually fell asleep, deeply, so I was able to get out of there as fast as I could and took the gag out of my mouth. I tried untying the knot on my hands but I couldn't so I just picked up some clothes quickly and unlocked the room, literally running for my life. I stopped in the living room to put on a shirt and underwear.

I open the door as quickly as I can and just keep running down the street with nowhere else to go, no plan, no money and barely no clothes. I'm screwed.

After a few hours of roaming around I decided to go back home, still with my hands tied. As I enter the house I'm greeted by some very worried parents. "Where have you been? You've been gone for hours!" My mother says "I just needed to clear my head, that's all." She looks down and sees the state I'm in and my tied hands so she unties them and gets to sit beside me on the couch. "What happened?" She asks worriedly. I take a deep breath and turn to face her. "Eric raped me" I say quietly and look down at my almost nailless fingers for how nervous and stressed I've been I've chewed almost even the flesh on my fingers. My mother's jaw drops and she just hugs me. I break down crying.

A few weeks later

I wake up and have to rush to the toilet. I barely make it before I throw up everything I ate yesterday. My mother must have seen me sprint across the house because next thing I know she's kneeling by my side and holding my hair while I throw up. "You need to do a pregnancy test" My mother says helping me stand "Do you think I got-" I stop mid sentence, not really wanting an answer to that question. "You should do one just in case" She assures me she'll go down to the pharmacy with me and purchase one, or 2 because there might be a false positive or a false negative.

We get ready and head to the pharmacy. Why is this happening to me?

After getting the damn pregnancy tests we head back home and I read the instructions on how to do it. 2 minutes later I look over to the test. Positive. Shit. I quickly do the other one and 2 minutes after I look. Positive. Oh fuck no. My mother comes in and sees me holding the disgrace of my life in my hands. She sits beside me on my bed and places a hand on my shoulder. She gives me a sympathetic look but not even a minute after she leaves I'm called to the living room by my father.

I just stand there in front of them shyly.

"You're a shame for our family" my father quietly says.

I'm speechless honestly. Not even a bit of sympathy...how supportive, huh.

"Honey, it's not her fault-" my father cuts her off "Of course it is. If she had just closed her legs we wouldn't be discussing it right now." What on the fuck- I was raped and it's MY fault? How was I supposed to know Eric was gonna do something like that? If I were to guess the future, I would try and guess the lottery numbers don't you think?

"She was raped-" my mother tries again but my father cuts her off again "Since the very beginning I told her to not date that scumbag, but of course no-one in this house ever does what I say!" He says that last part louder. "Our bank accounts have been hacked and emptied, I'm still trying to talk to the bank about fraud but right now we are broke. We can't even get her to marry and create an alliance with one of the rich families now that she's pregnant!" he stands up and walks towards me. I'm numb. I can't think, feel, or hear. Nothing. Just pure emptiness in my brain. "So now," he continues. Right now he's facing me. "You are going to pack all your shit and get the fuck out of my house."

"Jonathan!" my mother shouts as she stands up. "She can't be homeless now she has a baby on the way." she tries to reach for his arm but he slaps her hand away "Leave me alone, Elizabeth." he roars and slaps her in the face. Her white like porcelain skin is now all red. What have I done...

He points at my bedroom door "NOW!"

I do as I'm told and head to my bedroom and start packing. Tears start filling my eyes but there is nothing I can do now to make this situation better.

With everything in bags and boxes I call my grandma, hoping she saves me. "Hey..." I say, my voice trembling "Can you please pick me up?" I say quietly "I'm sorry dear," she stays quiet for a bit, then continues "Your father told me what happened and I am very sorry, but I can't take you in. I love you dear, but you're on your own from now on, darling." I thought of saying something back but she had already hung up the phone call. Great. Just great. Maybe Jenna will help me. I try dialing her number but, it goes straight to voicemail. And my last hope is gone. What will I do now?

I hear pounding at my door followed by angry shouting "You have 5 minutes to get EVERYTHING you own out of this house or I'll drag you out myself!"

I grab as many backpacks and boxes as I can and call an uber to pick me up down the road, hopefully it will be cheaper that way. On the phone it says it's 7 minutes away which is perfect timing just for me to get out with everything and reach the pick up spot.

I catch the uber and put everything on the backseat near me. "You didn't write an address for the drop-off, miss" the driver says, turning to me. "I know. Uhm, by any chance do you know where I can find a cheap condo?" "There's a cheap one downtown. I can take you there if you'd like" he smiles. "Yes, please. Thank you."

The rest of the ride is quiet and when we get there he just points to where the apartment is and tells me to call a number that is on the poster.

After dealing with everything and getting a key from the security guard, I head upstairs and set my things on the floor.

Guess I gotta start calling it home.

Hope you liked it so far!
And don't forget, there will be a new chapter every Friday.
Have a good weekend:)

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