Chapter One - Meeting

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It all started over dinner one night. Harry was sitting at the dining room table for dinner with his family. He looked around table, from his mum to his stepdad and finally on to his big sister, Gemma.

He sighed, he loved his big sister, and he did. He however hadn't realized until he met his new friend Niall, who moved from Ireland, what he was missing.

He was missing a brother. Niall had a brother. Why couldn't he?

Harry turned to his Mum, "Mummy, why don't I have a big brother?" He asked while pushing around the veggies on his plate.

Anne smiled at her young son, "Because God gave you a Big Sister instead."

"I'd rather have a Big Brother." Harry said sadly.

Gemma gaped, feeling a little more than offended.

"What?" Harry asked noticing her face.

She shook her head, "So you wish I was a boy instead?"

"Not really, that'd be weird! I just wish I had a big brother too! Niall has one." Harry asked.

"you have Daddy and Robin though." Anne told him.

"I never see Daddy!" Harry protested. As for Robin, he didn't like Robin all that much. Everyone knew that so he didn't have to voice it.

"Well, maybe if you a good boy, Santa might be able give you a Big Brother, maybe." Anne smiled as an idea crossed her mind.

"Really?" Robin raised an eyebrow.

Anne just gave him a wink.

"I'll be good! I swear!" Harry said excitedly.

"She said maybe! Calm down!" Gemma said to her little brother. "You do know that maybe means it may or may not happen. Right?"

"Maybe if I'm extra good, Santa will bring me a big brother!" Harry grinned.

A few weeks later, it was finally Christmas morning and everyone had opened their presents. Little did Harry know that he had one more present.

"Harry, there's one present left for you. It's in the envelope on the tree." Anne told him.

Harry grabbed the white envelope that was in the tree and tore it open, he didn't understand what he was looking at but he did know that it said Big Brother on it.

"It's a program called Big Brothers and Big Sisters. I enrolled you in the program so you'll be matched with someone who would like to be a Big Brother to you." Anne tried to explain the program to her six year old.

"So...I'm getting a Big Brother?! Santa gave me a Big Brother?!" Harry almost yelled.

"You have to wait a little first; Santa has to find the perfect person to be your Big Brother." Robin told him gently.

"How long?" Harry asked suddenly sad.

"It takes time for the people to find the perfect match for you; we'll get a call as soon as they found someone that matches up with you perfectly. They just want it to be all perfect." Anne tried to explain.

Harry nodded, "Be patient?" He asked.

"Yes, exactly." Robin said.

Harry turned to Gemma, "Gemma, will you help me read this thing?" He asked her.

He really wanted to know more but he wanted to try and learn how to read it on his own. He was in First Year now, he was a big boy but he needed help and he didn't want to ask his Mum and he especially didn't want to ask Robin.

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