Chapter Fourteen

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Blakely's Pov

The week went by very slowly, it was miserable enough my stepbrothers didn't give me a break . Dance class  was torture always. Travis and Trevor   always remind me how much they hated me. Tristan pulls my hair most of the time and sometimes throws me a paper with mean words or poppy  drawings. Honestly school is hell.

The only good thing was that I managed to compose three songs which I haven't released yet ,and been around my friends.They were the only ones that kept me calm throughout the school period. So today was Friday and right now it's lunch time.

I walked over to Mia and Theo sitting next to them .

"Hey sis"I said

"I repeat I dislike that name"Theo said rolling his eyes"I am a matured man"

"Who cares"Mia said sticking her tongue out

I laughed"So anything new?"I asked


"And what is it?"

"Heard it from some girls in the washroom that we would be having two new students Next week"Mia said

"What department?Theo asked

"Art ,but I heard one major in acting "Mia said happily

"Well I hope they are well mannered "I said.
I don't really care about the new students as long as they stay out of my business.

"What should we do after school"Theo asked

"Lets go bowling,I want to kick you guys butts so bad "I said happily jumping around the table

Theo snorted "you wish, you ,kick my butt! In your dreams Bakie"

"I'm so gonna win"Mia said grinning

I laughed while taking a bite out of my donut"I have practiced more than enough during the holidays,so obviously I am going to win, so have fun losing "

"Alright, we shall see. So what are you two ladies doing over the weekend "Theo asked

"To the entertainment industry "Mia said and we all groaned tiredly

The bell rang and the three of us stood up immediately.

"So we have gym class right"Mia questioned"

"Yeah"Theo said waving us bye to go change into his gym wear.

Every Friday after lunch it's compulsory for all students to attend gym class. I hate it because it's always crowded mainly because all three departments practice together. And the main reason I dislike it more is because students use this as a medium to faze at one's body or a medium to body shame.

Mia and I went to the girls locker to change, I wore a red oversized jersey with a white boot and a white beanie. Mia wore a tight white jersey top that stopped at her bellybutton revealing her alluring piercing with a white shorts that stopped mid thigh and a white boots together with a black bandana around her hair .


"Ready"Mia asked pushing her breasts forward

"Eeww stop"I said laughing with a slight blush.

Mia had always been the most matured one among both of us,she has a round moderate shape breasts and a plump buttocks with a tiny waist and a curvy hips.

She basically have my dream body ,I on the other hand have a grape sized boobs , with a flat stomach and a tiny waist.i also have a not so curvy hips and a moderate buttocks.

Boys and girls all gaggle around her but she never paid any interest to them.

We arrived at the gym late so we had to sneek in to join the practice. We joined the practice smoothly thinking we wouldn't get caught but leave it to my stepbrothers and their large unfiltered mouth.

"Coach Blakely and Mia just arrived"Trevor stated loud enough gaining everyone attention.

"Mia and Blakely come forward and make sure you have a valid reason for coming late" He said rudely

Saying you were comparing you bestie body to yours was definitely not a valid reason.

We walk together hand in hand till we reach the front of the coach ignoring the stares from everyone.

"So what was the reason?"Mr.Leonard asked .

"I was dressing my pet Lion you see,and then I have to shave because weekend is for sex and then...."Mia said sarcasticly

"Enough Mia , you both are punished"Mr.Leonard said angry

"Why should I be punished for shaving "Mia said rolling her eyes

"We are sorry Coach, please what's the punishment " I asked interrupting Mia before she gets us into more trouble .

"You would be joining the soccer team "He said smiling.

"What"Mia and I shouted

"You mean the girls soccer team?"Mia asked hopefully

"No the main school soccer team, meaning you would partake in all their international and state competition "he said making us gulped


"No but,and you both would be the only girls joining the team"

"Ohh wow , never knew we have a soccer girl in the house"Tristan said smirking

"Fuck you" I said grabbing Mia's hand and walking out of the field.

I love soccer honestly, I usually practice with my was his favorite sport ,so I took soccer class just to spend more time with my dad.

Those days were the happiest time of my life,but ever since dad death I vowed to never play soccer again.

"Blakie, you are having a panic attack, listen to me "Mia said shaking me.
I didn't even noticed I had started tearing up and was having a panic attack.

" breath in carefully,one..two.. Blakely please" I heard Theo worried voice

"Ittt..hurttts"I said struggling to breath

"You can do it, just follow me"Mia said calmly rubbing my back

"I can..t"I said with a sob as I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

"What the fuck is wrong with her"I heard a familiar voice asked before I black out.

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