First Night on the Shift

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The obnoxious bell of the front door rang, grabbing Klaus and Addy's immediate attention. They took a quick glance over to see the customer. Addy approached the cash register and waited patiently for the customer, Ash, to give their order. "What would you like to order, sir?" Addy spoke, looking at Ash. "I would like.. hmmm give me a 6 piece chicken nugget with a small fry and a medium sweet tea." The man replied with his order. "That'll be $6.45. KLAUS get me a small fry and a 6 piece chicken nugget." Addy would then hand Ash a medium drink cup. Ash paid the money while Klaus slaved in the kitchen. Once the food was done, Klaus bagged it up and stuck a receipt on it, placing it on the front counter for Ash to pick up. When Ash had left the store, Addy and Klaus looked around at the empty lobby with a sigh. "Guess we should start cleaning up while no one is here." Addy stated. "Whatever." Klaus replied and grabbed a mop from the storage closet, beginning to mop the floors. Addy started wiping down tables and counters. Once the two were done, it had been time to restock. Klaus was in charge of onions and lettuce, while Addy was in charge of tomatoes and pickles. Klaus HATED onions, so he just decided not to do it and only restock the lettuce. Addy restocked her produce and never noticed Klaus didn't restock the onions. Once the two were finished, they heard the front door ring once again. "I'll get it this time." Klaus said as he walked up to the front counter and saw a familiar face. "Yo what's good Quinn, what can I get you?" Klaus made intense eye contact with Quinn as he asked for their order. "Uh i'll get a big mac with no onions, a large fry, and a large dr pepper." Quinn responded. "Alrighty, your total comes out to be $12.40. ADDY gimme a big mac, no onions and a large fry." Klaus would shout while handing Quinn their large cup. Once Quinn got their order and left, some of the dayshift workers started coming in, so that was Klaus and Addy's cue to leave. They got in their cars and drove home for the night.

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