The End

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The night was silent no one stirred, Kasai was passed out not a snore from him, Naruto was wrapped in Sasuke's arms his mouth wide open as he slept, and Sasuke lied like the board he is snuggled into the blonde fuzz as he slept. The elixer worked. The girl's hair swayed with the wind as she stood on the roof. When she heard no noise she stealthily climbed into the window and loomed over the babe like a devious shadow. She looked as he noticed her presence his bright blue eyes staring into her golden ones. She scooped him up into her arms and he surprisingly didn't lash out like he always did when the girl picked him up. Instead he bit his fist. She sort of sneered at him. She thought he'd be more intelligent for a one month old babe. Like Kasai. She scolded her self for such thoughts and like ease snuck out of the window. She let out a breath of relief as she got to the roof undetected. She strod to sun but burning blue eyes stood in her way. Naruto cocked his head to the said in faux confusion.

"What are you doing Umi-chan?" He asked and she gulped

Without thinking she jumped off the roof. She cradled the child as she ran and she could hear the blonde behind her as she ran. She turned throwing some kunai at him to see he wasn't alone. Sasuke was by his side as he quickly defeflect the knives scolded Naruto for not being properly prepared. She yelp and ran faster. She knew she was nearing the east gate and just had to push harder. Just outside of the gate was the rendezvous with her boss and he would take care of both of them. As knife sliced and her arm and she yelped and turned around avoiding whoever threw it. She quickly passed by the couple successfully not being caught and ran toward the city. She was trapped now. But she still had the baby. She jumped on a roof and stood the couple catching up and lookin at her suspiciously.

"Let me go or your baby dies!" She threatened

"I don't think you have the guts," A voice whispered in her ear and she gasped and turned around to see Kasai "I know who you work for. Leave him. It's not to late."

"Shut up or he's dropped!" Umi snapped and Kasai stepped closer

"It doesn't have to be this way Umi," The blonde child said gently and she threw him

Sukai soared through the air and Naruto growled going into tailed beast mode and caught the babe with one of his tails. By this time Kasai and Umi were already fighting. Instead of it being two toddlers fights it looked like a real shinobi fight. Of course neither of them knew how to focus chakra so they fought skillfully with taijutsu. It shocked and scared the couple. They watched in awe as both of threw concentrated punches at one other. I think this is the moment Naruto acknowledge his son.
Kasai stumbled back and watched as Umi spat out blood on the rooftop. He gulped and charged at her again. When she dodged going in for a punch but he used flash step to get out the way. He shakily stood up wishing he hadn't skipped nap time to steal tomatoes out of some old lady's garden. Give him a break. His is only three. He looked at the girl and they charged each other exchanging punches and splattering more blood.

"Umi. Can we take a break?" He huffed "I have apples."

The girl hair eyed him suspiciously. He blonde haired boy threw an apple fry her way sitting down where he was. She walked toward him sitting down blushing. She complimented his moves and he told her he hated her and to shut up. It didn't stop him from sharing though. His Mama always said to give to the less fortunate. Unless it's ramen and to die before giving anyone your ramen. He smiled at the memory

"Do you have a family Umi-chan?" Kasai asked his black abyss staring straight into her golden orbs

"My clan was attacked when I was a baby. We have a kekkei genkai. Steel release," She answered

"I like my family. I don't know about love. I mean I love Papa. Mama's to weird for me. I love baby, too," He said "Why would you want to hurt my family?"

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